Category Archives: Languages

To express themselves creatively in a foreign language, your students may find a multilingual word discovery tool invaluable.

Here’s an easy way to help them.

Wordipedia is the only multilingual deep word discovery tool on the Internet.

What do we mean by ‘deep discovery’?

Deep discovery is finding words in the desired language:

  • By meaning or topic
  • By category
  • By class
  • By sound or pattern
  • By relationship
  • By context
  • By implication, such as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ connotation
  • And by a combination of these criteria

With Wordipedia, you don’t need to know a word to find it. You specify your criteria and Wordipedia’s  search algorithms return suggestions and allow you to refine your search as well. Regardless of the language (English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Hindi, Russian, etc.) Wordipedia will provide suggestions matching detailed criteria. Students will extend their foreign language vocabulary and express themselves with creativity, clarity, and impact.

You can try Wordipedia yourself for free by simply joining with a trial membership on our JOIN page, as well as clicking this link to see more details of the Benefits for students and teachers. YouTube tutorials are available by clicking on the LINKS tab of our site.

Also, we provide low-cost access for school libraries.

Free KS4 Spanish presentation on shop vocabulary from Boardworks!

Help your KS4 students commit important shop vocabulary to memory with our free presentation!

An engaging picture quiz reinforces key words and tests your students’ recall.  Then challenge your class to unscramble the letters and reveal the names of products sold in the different shops!

An interactive reading comprehension quiz ensures that your students are confident in understanding a passage written in Spanish, and checks their vocabulary recognition.

Find the presentation now on our MFL free stuff page:

Kind regards,

The Boardworks team

Pinot! The Musical – Only 3 Shows Left

June 14/16 Wimbledon.  French through music and theatre!

Out of 16 performances of Pinot! The Musical only 3 are now left!

  • Wednesday 14 June 10.30am
  • Wednesday 14 June 1.30pm
  • Friday 16 June 1.30pm

Pinot! The Musical is the latest thing in language learning. An exciting musical show which gets pupils and teachers singing along in French!

The show is just one hour long and is especially effective with   6 – 12 year olds.    The show takes place in the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre

Booking Pinot! The Musical

  • Book through ATG tickets at the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre box office,
  • School groups pay £12.00 per pupil seat (Note: sponsored / funded seats have all been allocated for 2017 – email if you wish your school to go on the waiting list for funded seats for the next season in 2018)
  • Schools qualify for one FREE teacher place with every 10 pupils – maximum 70 pupils per performance
  • Please email when you have booked through Wimbledon Theatre so that you can claim your FREE CD/Songbook pack and FREE mp3 files of show songs.

Pinot! The Musical, the fun-packed comedy musical that makes learning French exciting, is coming to the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre this summer.  Don’t miss this wonderful ‘sing along in French’ musical show!

Set in Paris, the story of Pinot! The Musical follows the adventures of a young Russian cyclist with a dream – to win the Tour de France!  Follow him and his Cossack dancing friends on their thrilling journey!  On their way they meet colourful characters, including a beggar and a bag lady who tell the story in English, and a clumsy policeman who keeps chasing them. The show’s catchy songs make learning French easy for children of all ages – and pupils and teachers will not be able to resist singing along!

French songs cover the following curriculum topics:

  • days of the week
  • alphabet
  • numbers
  • months of the year
  • verbs Etre and Avoir – to be and to have
  • phrases ‘qu’est-ce-c’est’ (what’s that?);  ‘je ne sais pas’ (I don’t know); ‘c’est la vie’ (that’s life) ;
  • question words
  • opposites (big/small grand/petit etc.)

Schools will receive a FREE CD/Book pack plus FREE mp3 files of all the French show songs as soon as they book so pupils start to prepare to sing along lustily on the day!

Yours sincerely


P.S. Don’t forget, if you are interested in sponsored/funded seats for your school for the 2018 season, please email to go on the waiting list.

Are you considering a French language trip for your pupils?

Located in the heart of rural Normandy, Château Beaumont has provided Language and Activity Holidays for both Primary and Secondary groups for over 17 years, thriving on the philosophy that the best possible resource for learning French is France itself.

For more information please visit:

Offering an extensive range of stimulating local excursions and on-site activities, we hold the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge and are registered with both the British Activity Providers Association (BAPA) and the French Authorities.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, and discuss your various options. You can contact me on 01388 741 370, or by emailing to request a call-back.

We look forward to hearing from you,

À bientôt

Lyndsay Creaser

Château Beaumont Ltd

Tel: 01388 741 370



What is the secret resource that brings pure joy into the MFL classroom?


Well, just before we get on to the ‘secret’ resource, it is worth mentioning that the MFL resource market has been transformed over the past ten years.  Hundreds if not thousands of excellent and imaginative resources are available to MFL teachers using songs, games and interactive online software.  MFL teachers everywhere are now fully aware of the positive impact that these resources have on engagement and attainment.

But not everyone knows about this extra resource (the secret one) which is available in every classroom free of charge whenever required.  And this is the resource that adds pure joy!

The secret resource harnesses one of the most powerful resources in human society. It is not restricted to any specific MFL topic and yet can be applied to all of them.

It works brilliantly in MFL classes because spoken language connects people on an emotional level.

After all, we never speak to each other in sterile sentences such as ‘the cat sat on the mat’!

We gossip, we complain, we rejoice, we reflect, we inform, we collaborate, we recount, we congratulate, we sympathise, we encourage, we accuse, we defend, we tell jokes, we brag, we tell stories…..

And when we speak we expect a reaction.

In particular, we expect a reaction from our peers.  And the younger we are, the more importance we attach to the opinion of our peers.

And there you have it!  The power of peer pressure is the FREE resource available to all MFL teachers everywhere, at any time!

Do you dare to unleash its legendary potent force?

Have a go!  Spice up your usual role plays with some of these ideas!

An angry customer with a frustrated travel agent; a stressed out doctor dealing with a hysterical patient; an excited tourist completely misunderstanding directions; an absent minded mad professor in a shop; bank robbers who cannot agree on which is the getaway car; a dentist trying to calm a nervous patient who escapes when he turns his back.

Watch faces light up as pupils experiment with entertaining and being entertained by, their peers – in a foreign language!  See them enthusiastically research material for their own sketches. Watch confidence levels grow and peer relationships improve!

It is pure joy!

And it is free!

Marie – Director of –  Fresh ideas for MFL teachers

Ps  You can see what pure joy looks like in this Pinot The Musical workshop

Pps  demand will be high for the 16 performance of our popular ‘sing along in French’ show Pinot! The Musical – playing at the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre in May and June 2017.   See for details.  Email if you have any questions!

The best resource for learning French is France.


Would you like to inspire your pupils with a French language trip?

At Château Beaumont, we offer an expertly crafted selection of language and cultural based excursions to ensure all our guests get the very best from their trip.

Experience the thrilling history of Normandy by exploring the magnificent castle of Fougères or beautiful beaches at St Malo. Enhance French language skills with a trip to Laval Market, interacting with our local stall holders. Combine these, and so much more, with our stimulating range of on-site adventure and team-building activities to create memories that stay with your pupils for a lifetime.

For more information please visit:

We have been organising trips for schools to suit any budget for nearly 20 years; we are fully registered with the British Activity Providers Association (BAPA) and hold the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, and discuss your various options. You can contact me on 01388 741 370, or by emailing to request a call-back.

We look forward to hearing from you,

À bientôt

Lyndsay Creaser

Château Beaumont Ltd.

Tel: 01388 741 370



School Trip to France

Would you like your pupils to experience an educational language trip to rural Normandy at an affordable price?

For over 15 years we have provided language and activity holidays for UK schools, as we find that one of the best resources for learning French and experiencing French culture is France itself!

We hold the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge and are registered with both the British Activity Providers Association (BAPA) and the French Authorities.

Château Beaumont are currently offering a limited number of peak summer 2017 dates as well as some fantastic autumn deals. Our fully inclusive prices cover: executive door to door transport, full insurance, comfortable accommodation, allocated group leader, all on-site adventure activities, all local excursions including entrance fees, evening entertainments, French language practice and three delicious meals a day.

Should you be interested I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have and discuss your various options. You can contact me on 01388 741 370, or by emailing to request a call-back.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Lyndsay Creaser
Château Beaumont Ltd

Tel: 01388 741 370



What is the one time you really want learners to talk?

Do our pupils want to communicate? Of course they do. Just listen to them as they come into the classroom and settle down. If we let them, they would never stop talking!

If only we could use that unquenchable urge to talk, and persuade them to do it in French (or German, Spanish etc) instead…

These resources will show you how to begin to get them doing just that. And once they start, you won’t be able to stop them! To hear yourself actually using your new language to achieve a real outcome is highly motivating and makes you eager to learn more.

Let’s face it – some text book language can be uninspiring: “What’s this? It’s a pencil.” What colour is it? It’s red.” How can we help learners to go beyond ‘textbook language’ and use their newly learned vocabulary to ask questions, to ask for help, to say what’s wrong: “I don’t have a pencil. Can I borrow a rubber?”

So why not teach classroom language by enabling learners to say what they really want and need to say?

Easy to say, perhaps, but how is it done? If you have never done this before, and if also you are a non-specialist teacher of languages, how can you make a start? This new set of classroom language resources from highly regarded MLG Publishing (MiniFlashcards) aims to show you how to plan a progressive programme and provides you with a bank of resources for you to use with learners.

Here, in attractive cartoon pictures and soundfiles, you will find examples of commonly occurring language from which you and your learners can choose items to become familiar with through fun activities and games. These will provide a firm foundation for them to build on as they progress, and to grow in confidence as they begin to see using the language can make things happen.

It doesn’t happen all at once, of course, but a phrase a day, or even a phrase a week, soon builds up into a sizeable body of knowledge and skill.

If you would like to try out this approach simply click on our website and download the sample pictures and activities – at and select Ici On Parle Français  (Main Volume or Primary Version). Or email us

How can your school avoid the ‘learning a language’ trap?

Teachers can be under-confident when teaching foreign languages in the classroom because they do not have the language skills. What’s the most effective way of supporting your staff in the teaching of French, Spanish or German?

Avoiding the trap …
Have you been in the scenario where the teachers have been informed that they have to teach a language and seen the panic on their faces? Suddenly they have to read, write, speak and teach it to the children. Most teachers race on line to hunt through the mixed bag of resources.  Imagine their surprise if they could be provided with a proven resource that enables them to teach a language, they do not know, effectively.

Finding the resource …
What is the right resource? A resource which gives instant lessons, lesson plans and games, with sound, which are effective and fun. A resource which promotes linguistic confidence.

EDpaX offers …
Lessons that develop the teaching of French, Spanish or German in the Primary classroom.

There are 28 topics specially developed for teachers required to teach a foreign language using the interactive whiteboard. No preparation is needed! There are 500+ teaching pages, with sound, including games and activities. Each language introduces and reinforces initial language, spelling, vital verbs, simple sentence structure and small paragraphs. Colourful and effective interactive whiteboard language lessons and games at your fingertips! These instant lessons bring fun to language learning for both the teachers and the children. Ideal for all Primary school teachers.

Photocopy Workbooks each containing 56 differentiated photocopy pages which reinforce and consolidate every topic are included as a SPECIAL OFFER. Planning grids detailing the language used in each topic are there too.

Check out the product at

Want to try before you buy? Please download a full FREE interactive whiteboard teaching topic from Free Resources at

Do you need more information? Please email or call 0845 4752289

One language product contains 2 disks plus the photocopy workbook for only £350

(excl. VAT and p&p). One-off purchase with full site licence.

What is the best way to take students from a predicted lower grade up to the achievement of an A* at GCSE?

Not surprisingly one of the best ways of helping students in French to get a higher grade is to give them a clear summary of the criteria the exam boards use, written in a student friendly language.

And that was what this booklet gives.  The authors have analysed the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and have come up with a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language. These criteria have been divided into four sections; each section corresponding to a GCSE level while at the end of the booklet students can find a very useful list of recommended idioms and high level expressions.

Additionally the booklet includes the conjugation of the 50 most used French verbs, including the modal verbs, into different tenses.

This is followed by different language structures which the students can use to develop their writing.

The use of this booklet is proven to improve students’ levels not only in writing and speaking, but also in listening and reading.

How to get A* in French? is published as a download so that you can receive immediately a copy onto your computer which you can print out for colleagues and your students as often as you want.

There are sample pages from the book at and you can order it at

The price is £10 plus VAT (the VAT can be reclaimed in most cases by the school).

How to get A* in French? is published by First and Best in Education, part of the Hamilton House group.  If you have any enquiries you can call 01536 399 011, or email or write to us at First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH.

The full range of First and Best books can be seen at

Arranging Your French Trip

With the busy period of exams drawing to a close, we think it’s time for our hardworking teachers to breathe a sigh of relief and start thinking about a trip that both you and your class can look forward to.

One of the best resources for learning French, and experiencing French culture is surely France itself; however, we also offer an exciting range of on-site adventure and team-building activities, perfectly designed for those tricky new year / new class transitions.

For more information, please visit:

We have been organising trips for schools, to suit any budget, for nearly 20 years; we are fully registered with the British Activity Providers’ Association (BAPA) and hold the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge.

I look forward to your response,

Katherine Anderson
Business Development
Château Beaumont

01388 741 361

Dans Ma Chambre

Are you tired of creating your own PowerPoint presentations, only to find that you are forced to use uninspiring cartoons or internet images to convey your messages?  These images are often just not quite right.  Well, no more!  Our presentations use authentic resources in their proper French context.  These particular resources should be used initially with 11-12 year olds during their first year of learning French but then can subsequently be used as a revision tool for older students if necessary.

The presentation should be used to teach learners to describe their bedroom and also to use various (5) prepositions to say where items are in relation to other furniture.  These materials are to be used within the context of learning about the house/home in French.

The resources are multi-faceted in that they are used interactively from the beginning of the PowerPoint presentation to teach the required vocabulary to the class in a fun way.  Students work in pairs, individually and as a whole class throughout the lesson using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities to engage and motivate them.  The pace can be fast or slowed down as necessary for the students to assimilate the required lexis and can be used equally well with SEN learners.

They will enjoy the variety of activities, the competition, 2 written exercises and use the 4 skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing in this lesson.  These resources have been developed by an experienced language teacher, used with a class and have consequently been proven to be effective, fun and engaging.

Dans Ma Chambre  26 Powerpoint/slides plus 4 word documents, 2 worksheets and 2 answer sheets.  £ 24.99 (including VAT £29.99  )  Order Code : H9232

Once purchased the CD can be freely copied and networked throughout the school.

To see sample pages please email quoting the order code H9232.

You can order the Dans Ma Chambre in any of these ways:

  • On our website
  • By phone or fax on 0117 940 6409
  • By email (quoting a school order number) to
  • By post to: Classroom Resources, 9 Logan Road, Bristol, BS7 8DU

What is the most effective way of attuning your younger pupils’ ears to the French language?

Earworms, stuck-song syndrome, sticky music, and cognitive itch are all terms used to describe when a song gets stuck in your head – and, although defined, it can’t quite be explained.

So how can you use this scientific mystery to your advantage so your pupils will pick up their French language learning more readily as they advance through the curriculum?

The answer is with Petites Étoiles – a comprehensive resource which uses rhymes and songs to introduce your Reception to Year 2 pupils to French language learning. So when they start to learn French more formally, they will have already internalised how it sounds.

Petites Étoiles provides lesson plans, activities, and ideas based on 18 popular topics (toys, food, animals, celebrations…), with each unit focusing on a rhyme or a song to aid the pronunciation of words and to make learning more memorable.

The accompanying disc also contains video clips, as well as a huge bank of reproducible resources, IWB games, and much more. The practical activities are play-oriented and range from role-playing and miming to phonics games and mask-making.

Furthermore, Petites Étoiles has a clear and easy-to-use layout and provides a huge amount of practical support for teachers which means that it can be used by both French specialist teachers and teachers with limited knowledge of the French language.

You can order Petites Étoiles in a variety of ways, including:

  • By visiting the website
  • By phone on 01449 766629
  • By fax on 01449 768047
  • By email to
  • Or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.

Brilliant Publications,
Mendlesham Industrial Estate,
Norwich Road,
IP14 5ND.


phone: 01449 766629
fax: 01449 768047

Exceptional Languages Teaching Resources

Exceptional Banner - Bigger

Lighthouse Professional Development

There is still time to secure one of the remaining places on our “Memory Activities for the MFL Classroom” course taking place in London.

We also are running practical CPD on “How to make MFL accessible to pupils with SEN”, “Developing Speaking Skills in MFL”, “Using Grammar to Empower Learners in MFL, Practical Strategies for Success” and “Expert in a Day: ipad/tablets in the MFL Classroom”

Lighthouse are running training on becoming a successful Head of Department and Deputy/Assistant Head, as well as “Practical Counselling Skills for Teachers and Support Staff”.

You can find more course information, including dates, times and locations, at

0800 587 8880
Postal address:
Lighthouse Courses Ltd, Suite 3, 163 Marine Parade, Brighton, BN2 1EJ


Carel Press

Succeed in English: EAL Posters – a vital visual support for English as an Additional Language to help students remember.



Interactive MFL Software – 13 titles packed with hundreds of stunning curriculum 3D animations describing difficult to understand concepts for MFL. There are texts, voice-overs, quiz zones, drag and drops, multiple choice quizzes and more. Request your 14-day free trial of MFL Educational Software Solution.


First and Best in Education

Deutscher Wiederholungskurs – provides material for revision for the GCSE speaking and writing tests and helps to bridge the gap between GCSE and ‘A’ level. The course presumes the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary that a proprietary course will have covered.

How to get A* in French? – analyses the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and presents a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language.

How to get A* in Spanish? – analyses the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and presents a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language.

How to get top marks in your French speaking & listening exams –  deals with knowledge, confidence and the application of knowledge in relation to Foundation and Higher Tiers GCSE and Core and Extended IGCSE French.

Learning Spanish – a 143 page, copiable manual for secondary school students of Spanish at beginner to intermediate level.

Perfect the Past Tense for GCSE French – a resource which will give your students structured practice in a complex grammatical area which is vital to their success at GCSE.

01536 399007
Postal address:
Hamilton House Mailings Ltd, Earlstrees Ct, Earlstrees Rd, Corby, Northants, NN17 4HH


Signpost Educational Ltd

Student Packs for Lessons and Exams – Handy for your students and especially useful for exams. Consists of a clear plastic, “exam friendly” zip up wallet containing:  Three quality ballpens  (black ink), two HB pencils, 15 cm ruler, metal sharpener, eraser. approx, size:  224 x 157 mm.

Telephone: 020-7515-1797
Postal address:



Search Taster Day Events – helps Languages teachers to discover an array of events to book students on to, such as university and college taster days, workshops, residentials, open days, outreach events and widening participation opportunities.

+44(0)208 798 0982


ZigZag Education

Languages Teaching Resources – from verbs and vocabulary to exam practice and essay support, you’ll have your students speaking, listening, reading and writing like natives before you can say un, deux, trois!

0117 950 3199
Postal address:
ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY


You can find more Exceptional Teaching resources at

How can you ensure that the vocabulary of some topics isn’t forgotten as quickly as it has been learned?

There’s a general consensus that the most effective way of teaching French vocabulary is to approach it one topic at a time – so that once the vocabulary of one topic is learnt, it can be used comprehensively and to good effect.

However, there is a problem. The vocabulary of some topics can be forgotten as quickly as they have been learnt if the opportunity doesn’t arise for your pupils to cement the knowledge shortly after learning it.

With this in mind and the 2016 Olympics looming, we thought what better time to introduce your pupils to vocabulary and grammar revolving around the topic of sport. This way, many of your pupils will be able to relate their newly learnt French vocabulary to a topic of conversation which is likely to dominate most households this summer.

Which is why we have produced Olympics 2016 – French Topic Book.

Furthermore, with the excitement that always surrounds the Olympics, your pupils will be enthused and looking forward to learning more complex concepts of French with which to express their views about the Games.

Indeed, the Olympics is not only a topic that offers a wide range of vocabulary revolving around sports, but it is also likely to enhance your pupils’ knowledge of other topic areas, such as countries around the world.

Olympics 2016 – French Topic Book is a comprehensive resource which will keep your pupils occupied and eager from now (or after their assessments) until the end of term.

It contains a wealth of activities which will enhance your pupils’ French speaking, reading, writing, and listening, including: activity sheets, sentence building activities, surveys, flash cards, match the words, word search, crossword puzzles, Loto Cards, and much more.

We have also included ideas for incorporating French into PE lessons – why not have a French themed sports day this year?

To see the complete contents of Olympics 2016 – French Topic Book, click here.

All the activities are photocopiable, although if you’d prefer to print the activities out (rather than photocopy them) the resource can instead be supplied as an eBook.

Furthermore, the resource also contains answer pages so is great for teachers who have limited knowledge of French (or the Olympics).

You can order the Olympic 2016 – French Topic Book in a variety of ways, including:

  • By visiting the website
  • By phone on 01449 766629
  • By fax on 01449 768047
  • By email to
  • Or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.

Brilliant Publications,
Mendlesham Industrial Estate,
Norwich Road,
IP14 5ND.


phone: 01449 766629
fax: 01449 768047

How to get Top Marks in Edexcel French IGCSE Writing Questions

The essay writing questions might seem daunting at first but this is one section of the paper where you, as the candidate, are in control. As long as you answer the questions and cover all the bullet points, you can decide what to write.

This is an easy way to score marks, and the writing sections of the paper count for 30 marks (10 for the shorter writing task and 20 for the longer writing task) which is 25% of the total marks. If you do well in this part of the paper it can make all the difference in being able to move up the grade boundaries.

This pack will explain what is required for the two writing questions for the Edexcel French IGCSE specification. Sample questions will be looked at, with tips for essay techniques, followed by sample essays, with examiners’ comments. Writing tasks from each of the topic areas will be looked at, for both the shorter and longer writing tasks.

The five topic areas are:

1. Home and Abroad
2. Education and Employment
3. House, home and daily routine
4. The modern world and the environment
5. Social activities, fitness and health

56 pages – Price £39.99 (excluding VAT)

Once purchased the CD can be freely copied and networked throughout the school.

To see sample pages please email quoting the order code H9231

You can order the Edexcel French IGCSE – Essay Writing Skills CD-ROM in any of these ways: 

  • On our website
  • By phone on 0117 940 6409
  • By fax on 0117 940 6408
  • By email (quoting a school order number) to
  • By post to: Classroom Resources, 9 Logan Road, Bristol, BS7 8DU

Classroom Resources Ltd
9 Logan Road,

Tel: 0117 940 6409

What is an effective strategy for ensuring progression in French throughout KS2?

For your pupils to make swift progress in French, it’s important that they are not only learning topic vocabulary, but also grammar. Better still, it is important that there is an effective strategy for combining both French vocabulary and French grammar to enable them to create their own sentences.

Which is why Brilliant Publications has developed Learn French with Luc et Sophie – a two-part series of engaging French storybooks suitable for children learning French at KS2.

Each series includes 14 units, 14 songs to reinforce vocabulary and 14 storybooks which feature a young brother (Luc) and sister (Sophie) and their friends and family. The stories provide an enjoyable, stress-free way to learn the rhythm of the language, intonation, and pronunciation.

The stories use simple sentence and language structures and offer the opportunity for your pupils to learn key vocabulary in context and to phrase things as a native speaker would.

Furthermore, the storybooks in each series are available both as mini 8-page books and as IWB files which enables them to be read individually, in small groups, or as a whole class. This makes it easy to present written and spoken language together so that children can see the links between them.

We have also devised a number of accompanying activities and games which will encourage your pupils to use the language naturally and without going through lengthy and complex thought processes.

The resource can be used by a teacher with limited knowledge of the language, made possible by translations of the text in the teacher’s book and audio files of all vocabulary and texts as well as the stories and songs. There are also self-assessment sheets so you can easily monitor progress and ensure full coverage of the Foreign Language Programmes of Study.

You can order Learn French with Luc et Sophie 1ère Partie for Years 3-4 and Learn French with Luc et Sophie 2ème Partie for Years 5-6 in a variety of ways, including:

  • By visiting the website
  • By phone on 01449 766629
  • By fax on 01449 768047
  • By email to
  • Or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.

Brilliant Publications,
Mendlesham Industrial Estate,
Norwich Road,
IP14 5ND.


phone: 01449 766629
fax: 01449 768047

EDpaX Primary French, Spanish and German

Remove the stress … No preparation or expertise is needed
when using EDpaX Primary Language products.

What are they? – Each language is a fun, sound enhanced product which provides 28 visual and colourful interactive whiteboard topics enabling and supporting the teacher when delivering a Primary language.

Lessons at your fingertips! No preparation is needed. The versatile lessons provide a wide variety of teaching pages with associated games and activities for the pupils. Each product introduces and reinforces initial language, spelling, vital verbs, simple sentence structure and small paragraphs.

Teachers’ Note – Whew! No need for you to have any experience of teaching a foreign language – a Teacher’s Help button is provided on every page offering detailed guidance and support.

Photocopy Workbooks each containing 56 differentiated photocopy pages which reinforce and consolidate every topic are included as a SPECIAL OFFER. Planning grids detailing the language used in each topic are there too.

Here are the titles of each topic …

Disk 1

Disk 2

All About Me Numbers 0 – 12 Classroom Language Shopping
Alphabet Numbers 13 – 39 Classroom Objects Shops
Colours Numbers 40 – 69 Free Time The House
Days of the Week Pets Jobs Time
Family The Seasons Countries The Body
How We Look The Weather Nationality The Town
Months Zoo Animals Numbers 70 – 1000 The Village

Check out the product at

Want to try before you buy? Please download a full FREE teaching topic from Free Resources at

One language plus workbook only £350 (excl. VAT and p&p)

One-off purchase and full site licence. Offer valid until 31st March, 2016.

Free Spanish presentation on ordering food

Use our free presentation to walk your students through the terms they would need to order in a Spanish restaurant or café.

From understanding menus and calculating cost, to practising conversations and ordering food, this presentation will help your students become more familiar with la comida.

This presentation is also packed with activities to help your students identify key food groups, ingredients and recipes – including a ‘Who Wants to be an A* Student’ quiz, and an ‘Intercultural Understanding’ feature on a traditional Spanish dish.

Try out the presentation on our Doddle Spanish page!

Would you like to be able to set this presentation as home revision for your students?

Doddle presentations can be used outside the classroom! With Doddle you can assign your students presentations, activities, and self-marking quizzes to do in their own time.

For a free and flexible tour of all the Doddle features, book a free in-school visit with one of our Educational Consultants.


Exceptional Languages Teaching Resources

Exceptional Banner - Bigger

First and Best in Education

Deutscher Wiederholungskurs – provides material for revision for the GCSE speaking and writing tests and helps to bridge the gap between GCSE and ‘A’ level. The course presumes the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary that a proprietary course will have covered.

How to get A* in French? – analyses the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and presents a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language.

How to get A* in Spanish? – analyses the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and presents a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language.

How to get top marks in your French speaking & listening exams –  deals with knowledge, confidence and the application of knowledge in relation to Foundation and Higher Tiers GCSE and Core and Extended IGCSE French.

Learning Spanish – a 143 page, copiable manual for secondary school students of Spanish at beginner to intermediate level.

Perfect the Past Tense for GCSE French – a resource which will give your students structured practice in a complex grammatical area which is vital to their success at GCSE.

The EAL Coordinator’s Manual – provides a guide to the admission, orientation, induction and integration of EAL pupils and, as such, is a very useful resource for teachers new to EAL intent on making inclusion a reality for international new arrivals in their school.

Telephone: 01536 399007
Postal address: Hamilton House Mailings Ltd, Earlstrees Ct, Earlstrees Rd, Corby, Northants, NN17 4HH


Carel Press

Succeed in English: EAL Posters – a vital visual support for English as an Additional Language to help students remember.


Signpost Educational Ltd

Student Packs for Lessons and Exams

Telephone: 020-7515-1797
Postal address: SIGNPOST EDUCATIONAL LTD, PO Box 999, London, E14 6SH, UK



Interactive MFL Software – request your 14-day free trial of MFL Educational Software Solution.



Search Taster Day Events – helps Languages teachers to discover an array of events to book students on to, such as university and college taster days, workshops, residentials, open days, outreach events and widening participation opportunities.

Telephone: +44(0)208 798 0982


ZigZag Education

Languages Teaching Resources – publishers of teaching resources for schools.

Telephone: 0117 950 3199
Postal address: ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY


You can find more Exceptional Teaching resources at

Los Pasatiempos: free Boardworks Spanish presentation!

Get your students speaking Spanish in class using our free presentation on free-time activities.

Across seven slides, the presentation provides interesting prompts for students to produce their own sentences and includes two engaging audio activities to provide your students with plenty of speaking and listening skills practice.

Download the presentation from our MFL free stuff page, now!


The Boardworks team

P.S. To see more Boardworks MFL resources, order your free sample presentation!

Expand students’ cultural knowledge and improve linguistic ability

Current events and target-language culture have become an ever-increasing presence on MFL specifications over the years. And why shouldn’t they? It goes without saying that those with an affinity for target-language culture have greater motivation to learn the language. And ensuring students are in the loop when it comes to current events and contemporary issues is a sure-fire way to spark this passion.

With the trend set to continue with the impending accreditation of the 2016 GCSE and A Level specifications, no doubt you’re wondering how to ensure that students are sufficiently in the know without compromising on essential language practice.

Fortunately, we have created two fantastic new ranges designed specifically to meet this need!

Introducing Differentiated Topical Articles for GCSE and Topical Articles with Exercises for AS, both available for French, Spanish and German:

A series of up-to-date articles based around the latest events in target-language countries
Activities specifically designed to test the skills needed at GCSE and AS
All articles and activities inspired by the topics and requirements of the new specs – including translation!

To find out more, and to preview and order resources, visit the following links:

Differentiated Topical Articles for GCSE

Topical Articles with exercises for AS

Details of all MFL resources can be found at


ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol BS10 5PY
t: 0117 950 3199 | f: 0117 959 1695 |

Give your promotional code WW85 to get free postage!

How to get Top Marks in Edexcel French IGCSE Writing Questions

The essay writing questions might seem daunting at first but this is one section of the paper where you, as the candidate, are in control. As long as you answer the questions and cover all the bullet points, you can decide what to write.

This is an easy way to score marks, and the writing sections of the paper count for 30 marks (10 for the shorter writing task and 20 for the longer writing task) which is 25% of the total marks. If you do well in this part of the paper it can make all the difference in being able to move up the grade boundaries.

This pack will explain what is required for the two writing questions for the Edexcel French IGCSE specification. Sample questions will be looked at, with tips for essay techniques, followed by sample essays, with examiners’ comments. Writing tasks from each of the topic areas will be looked at, for both the shorter and longer writing tasks.

The five topic areas are:

1. Home and Abroad
2. Education and Employment
3. House, home and daily routine
4. The modern world and the environment
5. Social activities, fitness and health

56 pages – Price £39.99 (excluding VAT)

Once purchased the CD can be freely copied and networked throughout the school.

To see sample pages please email quoting the order code H9231

You can order the Edexcel French IGCSE – Essay Writing Skills CD-ROM in any of these ways: 

  • On our website
  • By phone on 0117 940 6409
  • By fax on 0117 940 6408
  • By email (quoting a school order number) to
  • By post to: Classroom Resources, 9 Logan Road, Bristol, BS7 8DU

Classroom Resources Ltd
9 Logan Road,

Tel: 0117 940 6409


Do you study Spanish and want an experience which will set you above the rest? Are you resilient and motivated? Do you want to become fluent in Spanish? Do you want to learn about Spain from first-hand experience?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above then you need to navigate to to find out more about how you could secure yourself a place on an academic year in Spain. The course is available for all students of Spanish, whether you are still in secondary school or leaving school and wish to take a year to perfect your Spanish before embarking on your college education.

You would be placed with a friendly family in Spain and attend a local school, taking part in normal lessons with other pupils of your age. Your family and AYA will support you to develop your linguistic skills throughout the year and the experience of being immersed in the language and culture will mean that when you return home you will have a life-long skill. This experience will make you stand out from other students when it comes to applying for college and university and you will develop independence and resilience.

So what are you waiting for? We can’t wait to hear from you!

The AYA Team


Please pass this information to your Spanish students

Do you study Spanish and want an experience which will set you above the rest? Are you resilient and motivated? Do you want to become fluent in Spanish? Do you want to learn about Spain from first-hand experience?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above then you need to navigate to to find out more about how you could secure yourself a place on an academic year in Spain. The course is available for all students of Spanish, whether you are still in secondary school or leaving school and wish to take a year to perfect your Spanish before embarking on your college education.

You would be placed with a friendly family in Spain and attend a local school, taking part in normal lessons with other pupils of your age. Your family and AYA will support you to develop your linguistic skills throughout the year and the experience of being immersed in the language and culture will mean that when you return home you will have a life-long skill. This experience will make you stand out from other students when it comes to applying for college and university and you will develop independence and resilience.

So what are you waiting for? We can’t wait to hear from you!

The AYA Team

Watch MFL Lessons with OFSTED feedback

Mediamerge have released a pack of four professionally filmed modern foreign language lessons that might be of interest to you.

These professionally filmed lessons allow you to:

  • See other teachers in action
  • Understand what Ofsted are looking for
  • Deliver staff training

Lesson packs include:

  • Professionally filmed and edited lessons
  • Filmed teacher introduction and reflective feedback
  • Lesson plans
  • Written feedback and judgement based on Ofsted criteria
  • Evaluation forms and question prompts to use in INSET sessions

In a recent survey, over 90% of schools said that they would recommend Mediamerge observation training resources to colleagues.

This pack can be purchased from just £179

Lessons in this pack are:

Year 7 French
Topic: Using à accurately
In this lesson students learn to be able to use à accurately. The context of the lesson is talking about places in town. The lesson is made up of listening, speaking and reading activities. Finally, students assess each other’s learning using flash cards.

Year 7 Spanish
Topic: Activities and percentages
In this lesson students learn to say how often they do an activity, understand sentences about free time and produce sentences of their own.

Year 9 French
Topic: Names for body parts
In this lesson students revise the verb ‘avoir’ and learn parts of the body in order to say if they hurt. Behaviour in this lower ability group is carefully managed by the teacher and all students are encouraged to participate and work together. Finally pupils complete a match up exercise of newly learnt vocabulary.

Year 10 Spanish 
Topic: Talking about going on holiday
In this fast-paced lesson, students learn how to talk about going on holiday. This is the first lesson of a new unit of work. Vocabulary for questioning is being revisited using a combination of activities. Students will be able to say/write about where they normally go on holiday.

How to Order

Product information
MFL Observation Pack HH
DVD Version: £179 / Network Version: £279

Online: Order by requesting an invoice or credit card via our website

Fax/Email: Email or fax 01223 750706 with purchase orders

By post: Mediamerge Ltd, Orwell House, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0PP

Over the phone: Call us on 01223 750 705

If you have any questions please contact us.

Kind regards,

Andrej Dethlefsen
Mediamerge Limited

p.s. Have a look at our news page for free articles and our latest resources.

Le Tour De France in Your school 2016

Enjoy   Listen   Speak    Learn
French Theatre in Your School in 2016.


Positive French for Year 7, 8 and 9 French students. A live French theatre performance in your school will encourage students to enjoy learning French. They will love the humour while watching the energetic and visual tale of the trials and tribulations of George and Chantalle on their quest for their dreams.

Listening becomes easy when the actions are linked to the words. Students can recognise similar words in the English language and French words they have been taught in the classroom. Repetition of keywords and actions results in a selection of mental triggers that help move the phrases from their short term into their long term memory.

When students are encouraged to interact with the characters in French, students can overcome their shyness, actively joining in with the performance and feeling more confident when returning to the classroom.

The performance GRABS the attention of the students’ minds so much that they are more willing to learn French and are amazed how cool French is (even the Year 9’s!).

This is achieved via the highly visual nature of the performance, involving mime, music and circus skills.

(Inspired by discussion and comments from two students, aged 10 and 15, in two different North Yorkshire schools , one year after a performance of Bon Voyage.)

For more information contact:      

The Flying Theatre Company,   The Old Vicarage ,  Ainthorpe, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 2LB.  Tel:  01287 669156


Easier Student Trips to Germany

Exclusively prepared for teachers who organize
student trips to Germany

Dear Teacher,

For easier 2015 and 2015 Student Trips to Germany’s Rhineland:
Your partner Go2City – DJH’s all-in-one travel agency!

The incoming agency partner you’ve been looking for!  We help you with all aspects of your stay, so that you don’t have to spend your time and money planning the best travel for your students. Our in-house meeting planning agency creates the best itineraries at no cost and helps you book tours and tickets, often at huge discounts.  You safe money and time.

We own the accommodation and the in-house agency.  No middle men, no extra fees, no miscommunications or wasted time.  Just tell us what your group wants to do, and we’ll put the whole package together!

What do you want your students to experience in Germany?

  • Music? – We know the right festivals, concerts and local choirs and music groups for your performance
  • Performances? – We find local theaters, rehearsal spaces, audiences and stage time.
  • Sports? – We connect you to local teams, competitions, and stadiums
  • Education? – We have loads of contacts at local schools, universities, and programs.
  • Other programs also available, including drama, languages, etc.

Choose your customized itineraries and activity modules

  • Museum and theater visits
  • Sports and tournaments
  • Specialized city tours and looks behind the scenes
  • Excursions beyond city limits
  • Transfers and coach trips (free coach parking at our hostels!)
  • Local contacts for activity-centered trips (sports, theater, music, education)
  • And much more

Packages also available:

  • 3-day programs starting at 79 € per person
  • 5-day programs starting at 161 € per person

For more information, visit:

Free Unlimited Overnight Stays for 2 Chaperones with any Student Group Bookings!

Teachers and chaperones stay free with a group of 10 students or more, no matter how long the stay.  Ask us for details!

Budget accommodations – high quality hotel alternatives for student groups

You’ve heard amazing things about modern hostels in Germany. They are true at DJH City-Hostels in Bonn, Cologne, and Düsseldorf.  You get amazing 3-star hotel-quality accommodations in Germany at hostel prices, and they are perfect for student groups.  Our hostels are still among the best kept secrets of the budget-conscious traveler, but more and more foreign groups are catching on to the amazing value and quality:

  • Some of the best hostels in the world.  3-star hotel level at hostel prices!
  • Pristine, modern single & multi-bed rooms, all with private baths
  • Amazing rates: starting at € 22.90 per night per person, including breakfast, lunch or dinner, and all taxes

Who we are:

DJH GO2City is the new in-house travel agency by non-profit DJH (German Youth Hostel Association).   Operating 6 hostels in 4 cities in Germany’s Rhine Ruhr Region, DJH GO2CITY also plans and executes customised itineraries and programmes for groups and individuals.

Here a list of all our hostels:

City-Hostel Bonn
City Hostel Cologne-Deutz
City-Hostel Cologne-Riehl
City-Hostel Duisburg Sportpark
City-Hostel Duisburg Landschaftspark
City-Hostel Düsseldorf

Additional Ideas for Rhineland Trips:

Discover Duisburg

This city of almost 500,000 is one of Germany’s largest university towns, has the largest inland harbor, and is an important city for commerce, steel production, architecture, history, and culture.   Only about 20 miles from Düsseldorf Airport, Duisburg is the perfect city to include in a Rhineland itinerary filled with the region’s exotic and unique attractions. 

Stay at these two DJH City Hostels in Duisburg:
DJH Hostel Sportpark

An amazing hostel – brand-new, and with a look and a list of features that equal many top sports hotels:

  • In-house sports center, gym and sauna
  • Ball field on-premises
  • 2 volley ball fields
  • 7 conference rooms
  • All rooms with private bath

The hostel is located right in the enormous Sportpark Duisburg, one of Germany’s largest and most modern sports parks, with over 500 acres of land and 150 acres of water facilities. It supports 40 different sports and is home to 30 local clubs and teams.  Perfect for your sports-related trips!  Find information and pictures at:

DJH Hostel Landschaftspark

The hostel is named after the Landscape Park Duisburg, a public park built in 1991 on a former industrial site and a stunning example of how the industrial past of a region can be healed by transforming industrial elements into objects of beauty and recreation.  Our modern hostel is right in the park, and it’s the perfect location for your Rhineland adventure.

Bonn & Cologne Christmas Market

A Magical Germany Christmas Experience for Your Groups

A visit to the enchanting Christmas markets in Cologne and Bonn is a spectacular occasion for all ages.  Each city’s market is unique, and Cologne’s has seven different markets all over the city waiting to be discovered by your student and group travelers.   Stay at our hostels in Bonn and/or Cologne.  Optional: additional activities, e.g. a trip to the Odysseum Adventure Museum in Cologne, the Cologne Cathedral, the Chocolate Museum, and much more – for a fascinating itinerary.

Rates: starting at € 22.90 per night per person, including breakfast, lunch or dinner, and all taxes.

Contact us for a free proposal for rooms and activities!

For more information, contact Rainer Perry – Marketing & Sales Manager North America, UK & Ireland; email:

Full contact info below

Christmas Markets are just one of many reasons for a school trip to Germany.  Germany is becoming a trendier and more popular travel destination all the time, especially for student groups from the UK.   You know why:  whether by train, coach, car or plane, Germany is an easy reach from most places in the UK, often in just a few hours.  The country offers great values in accommodations, restaurants, and many other attractions – and the options keep growing from year to year. 

We at DJH GO2CITY want to help you get the latest about traveling to one of Germany’s most fascinating – and most accessible – areas: the Rhine Ruhr Region. 

For more information about DJH, to request a customised proposal or to book your group reservations, please contact:

Rainer Perry – Marketing & Sales Manager North America, UK & Ireland
934 8th Avenue 2b; New York, NY 10019; USA

phone: +1 646 207 6406

click here for our online ebooks:

DJH City-Hostels in Cologne & Düsseldorf

New in-house agency Go2City

How to get Top Marks in Edexcel French IGCSE Writing Questions

The essay writing questions might seem daunting at first but this is one section of the paper where you, as the candidate,  are in control. As long as you answer the questions and cover all the bullet points, you can decide what to write. This is an easy way to score marks, and the writing sections of the paper count for 30 marks (10 for the shorter writing task and 20 for the longer writing task) which is 25% of the total marks. If you do well in this part of the paper it can make all the difference in being able to move up the grade boundaries.

This pack will explain what is required for the two writing questions for the Edexcel French IGCSE specification. Sample questions will be looked at, with tips for essay techniques, followed by sample essays, with examiners’ comments. Writing tasks from each of the topic areas will be looked at, for both the shorter and longer writing tasks.

The five topic areas are:

1. Home and Abroad
2. Education and Employment
3. House, home and daily routine
4. The modern world and the environment
5. Social activities, fitness and health

56 pages – Price £39.99 (excluding VAT)

Once purchased the CD can be freely copied and networked throughout the school.

To see sample pages please email quoting the order code H9231

You can order the Edexcel French IGCSE – Essay Writing Skills CD-ROM in any of these ways: 

  • On our website
  • By phone on 0117 940 6409
  • By fax on 0117 940 6408
  • By email (quoting a school order number) to
  • By post to: Classroom Resources Ltd, 9 Logan Road, Bristol, BS7 8DU

Classroom Resources Ltd
9 Logan Road,

Tel: 0117 940 6409

How to get A* in Spanish?

What is the best way to take students from a predicted lower grade up to the achievement of an A* at GCSE?

As with the French version of this book the author has analysed the writing and the speaking criteria of various exam boards and has come up with a simple and clear summary of these criteria written in a student friendly language. These criteria have been divided into four sections; each section corresponding to a GCSE level while at the end of the booklet students can find a very useful list of recommended idioms and high level expressions.

Additionally the booklet includes the conjugation of the 50 most used Spanish verbs, including the modal verbs, into different tenses.

This is followed by different language structures which the students can use to develop their writing. 

The use of this booklet is proven to improve students’ levels not only in writing and speaking, but also in listening and reading.

How to get A* in Spanish? is published as a download so that you can receive immediately a copy onto your computer which you can print out for colleagues and your students as often as you want.

There are sample pages from the book at and you can order it at

The price is £10 plus VAT (the VAT can be reclaimed in most cases by the school).

How to get A* in Spanish? is published by First and Best in Education, part of the Hamilton House group.  If you have any enquiries you can call 01536 399 011, or email or write to us at First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct, Earlstrees Rd, Corby, Northants NN17 4HH.

The full range of First and Best books can be seen at

First and Best in Education
Earlstrees Road
NN17 4HH
