The LOGIK LK 83XP scientific calculator for KS 3, 4, GCSE and Scottish exams ……..

The LK 83XP is a dual power scientific calc with all the features your students need for  KS 3, 4  GCSE  and scottish maths exams.

The LK 83XP has been around since 2016  and is in use in UK schools and colleges.  Offering all the functions needed by students for their  exams it’s a cost effective choice for maths departments throughout the UK.

Features include “natural textbook display” which enables students  to enter expressions exactly as shown in textbooks and exam papers (see the calc display above).

With 252 functions, including stats calculations, algebraic logic, prime factorisation, “check, correct and replay” etc., the LK 83XP can take your students all the way from year 7, through KS 3, 4 to their GCSE and scottish exams.  It’s the ideal calc for year 7 students at the start of a new school year.

But that’s not all.  The LK 83XP benefits from dual power  (battery and solar power) thus prolonging battery life and giving extra reassurance during exams. A slide-on cover protects the keyboard and display while hard plastic keys provide durability.  Finally, a THREE year warranty gives you and your students peace of mind.

The LK 83XP is available from £ 5.48 and also as a class set of 30 calcs in a Gratnells storage box with a foam insert and a clear lid, from just £ 172.50  (prices are ex vat).

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or phone 020 7515 1797 or email:

Signpost Educational Ltd., PO Box 999   London  E14 6SH