Category Archives: Policies

Today the prime issue for many Headteachers is managing and reducing an ever growing workload. But how?

Managing workload is often a personal matter with each Headteachers finding her/his own solution.  But there is one approach that is becoming more common, not least because it can be introduced step by step and is applicable in almost every school.

At its simplest this approach focuses on one time-consuming area and deals with it once and for all.

So, rather than trying to deal with a whole range of areas, you spend just a little time focussed on resolving one area.  Then, when that’s sorted you move on to the next, looking at each time-consuming area of work, one at a time, and finding a way to reduce the time spent on it.

From that moment on, time is saved.

To give a practical example of this, take your school’s policies. They have to be checked, updated, monitored, and re-worked as circumstances change.  And that’s before you have even contemplated adding new policies that have never been necessary before.

But imagine a scenario in which you could find a full, up-to-date, comprehensive policy on each and every subject you wanted on a single website.  You could then download it, and then have it up and running in your school – all within minutes.

Add to this the fact that if there wasn’t a policy that you needed already on the site, you could ask for it to be written, again saving you time.  Plus as legislation and expectations change, so the policies could be updated without you having to re-write anything at all!

That is perfect time management.  The endless issue of school policies is identified and brought under control.

The website that hundreds of schools across the UK use in this way is Policies for Schools.  It has over 280 school policies, and you can see all the policies that are available and some sample school policy documents by visiting our website.

Subscribers have access to all the policies on the site and the option to ask for any new policy that is not already there.

You can subscribe to Policies for Schools here, or if you require any further information:

  • Phone: 01600 891 506
  • Email:  
  • Or write to: Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR

A survey conducted by the ATL has confirmed what we already knew.

TES has reported on the results of a new survey conducted by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) to find out exactly why so many teachers are leaving the profession and why it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit new teachers in to the profession.

The survey, which was completed by 875 education staff, has revealed that over 80% have considered leaving the profession due to excessive workloads, with 24% envisaging that they won’t be working in education two years from now, unless this problem is resolved.

Some other reasons for teachers leaving the profession (and why it becoming increasingly difficult to recruit new teachers) are: a lack of respect for the profession, bureaucracy, pay and government policy changes.

Which is why we developed Policies for Schools – firstly, to reduce the workloads of teachers and administrators, and secondly, to make the task of creating school policies that reflect the changes in government policy much less daunting for everyone.

Policies for Schools has created over 290 school policies covering 20 different statutory areas. Our policies are easy to customise and thus will save you a considerable amount of time when one or more of your school policies require attention.

What’s more, if you have a specific need of a policy which isn’t listed on the website, we will create it for you. You can find our full list of school policies by clicking here.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools, visit

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at, call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.

Here is a testimonial from one of our customers:

“I find Policies for Schools very helpful indeed! In addition to the very diverse range of policies, all cross-referenced and regularly reviewed, which are available on the website all correspondence is immediately dealt with and new policies provided within 5 working days. For such a modest annual cost the website is incredible value for money!” – Anthony Welch (Headteacher Holland Park Primary School).

Link to TES article:

What is the easiest way to make sure that your school is always able to respond to each new issue that arises?

Towards the end of February, the Case for Play enquiry released its report which shows that 90% of parents of disabled children felt that their children did not have the same opportunities to play at school as other children did.

The report made headline news on the BBC which stated that the cause of the problem was both a lack of facilities and the attitude of other children and their parents towards the disabled.

As a result of the publicity around this issue it is more than likely that inspectors and others will be looking closely at equality schemes, accessibility plans, SEN policies, disability policies, and, of course, access policies.

Obviously your school’s policies may set out very clearly the way that you are ensuring that the sort of discrimination that 90% of parents with disabled children are reported to feel cannot exist in your school.

But if there is any doubt that the policies are rigorous enough, you may well be faced with a time-consuming bit of re-writing.

However, there is an alternative solution.

This alternative comes in the shape of Policies for Schools which has available nearly 300 completely up-to-date policy documents, all of which are already in use in a large number of schools.

If you’ve never seen any of our school policies – just click here and you’ll be able to download three of our school policies completely free of charge.

To see a full list of all the school policies available you can click here.  You will see that they include, among many others, a Disability Equality Scheme and Disability Accessibility Plan for Pupils Policy, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy, and a Disabled Access Policy.

For just £225 (plus VAT), a subscription to Policies for Schools provides a full year’s access to download nearly 300 school policies, all regularly updated, plus all additional school policies that are added to the website during the year.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools please click here.

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at, call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.

Here is a testimonial from one of our customers:

“I find Policies for Schools very helpful indeed! In addition to the very diverse range of policies, all cross-referenced and regularly reviewed, which are available on the website all correspondence is immediately dealt with and new policies provided within 5 working days. For such a modest annual cost the website is incredible value for money!” – Anthony Welch (Headteacher, Holland Park Primary School).

School Policy Update: Advice to schools from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Towards the end of last month (January 2016) bomb threats became very real for some 18 schools in the UK (14 of these in the West Midlands), and thousands of pupils were evacuated as a result.

And only last week Nottingham Girls’ High School was evacuated as a result of intelligence that suggested a terrorist threat.

Thankfully, that is all they have been – threats and intelligence. However, in response to these incidents the National Counter Terrorism Security Office has published a press release advising school leaders to review their protective security measures.

The problem with creating a policy (or indeed, any policy) which incorporates a procedure for what to do in the event of a terror attack on the school, is that it can take up a substantial amount of time that you and your colleagues don’t have to spare.

Which is why we create, adjust, amend, and update school policies on your behalf.

Counter terrorism and protective security school policies that we have created already include School Crisis Management Policy, School Security Policy, Intruders Policy, CCTV Policy, School Disaster Recovery Policy, and the Accidents and Emergencies Policy, to name a few.

Policies for Schools have created over 290 school policies covering 20 different statutory areas. Our policies are easy to customise and thus will save you a considerable amount of time when one or more of your school policies require attention.

What’s more, if you have a specific need of a policy which isn’t listed on the website, we will create it for you. You can find our full list of school policies by clicking here.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools, visit

Or, if you’d like to view a few sample policies beforehand, we have provided the following policies which are available to download free of charge by clicking here:

  • Calming Room Policy
  • Professional Learning Communities Policy
  • School Website Policy

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at,  call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.


School Policy Update: Government launches “educate against hate” website as part of a renewed drive against extremism

Last week the BBC reported that the DfE has launched a new website entitled, “educate against hate” containing information and advice for schools about how they can help with the renewed drive against extremism.

The website provides “practical advice to protect children from the dangers of extremism”, including the warning signs of danger, how to talk to children about extremism, and steps concerned teachers and parents can take.

NSPCC head, Peter Wanless, commented: “We are contacted daily by worried parents and children themselves on all sorts of issues including radicalisation and dangers associated with extremism.”

“Spotting the signs of such abuse has never been more important if we are to help protect children from sexual exploitation, gang-related activity or other hate crimes.”

The only problem with this renewed drive against extremism is that any changes need to be incorporated into your school’s existing policy on the matter, which can take up a considerable amount of time that you and your colleagues don’t have to spare.

It is for this reason that we create, adjust, amend, and update school policies on your behalf, including the ‘Prevent Duty – Dealing with Extremism and Radicalisation’ policy.

Policies for Schools have created over 290 school policies covering 20 different statutory areas which are easy to customise and thus will save you a considerable amount of time when one or more of your school policies require attention.

What’s more, if you have a specific need of a policy which isn’t listed on the website, we will create it for you. You can find our full list of school policies by clicking here.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools, visit

Or, if you’d like to view a few sample policies beforehand, we have provided the following policies which are available to download free of charge by clicking here:

  • Calming Room Policy
  • Professional Learning Communities Policy
  • School Website Policy

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at,  call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.

Link to BBC article:

School policy update: new measures to keep children safe online

Last month the DfE announced in a press release that “All schools will be required to put in place strengthened measures to protect children from harm online – including cyber bullying, pornography and the risk of radicalisation.”

As part of the new policy, your school will need to install filters and monitoring systems so that pupils aren’t subjected to harmful online content, and also to teach your pupils about safeguarding online.

To support schools in making these changes, the DfE recommends that schools use a number of resources including: two practical guides on social media, online training, and Google’s ‘Internet Legends’ tour.

The problem with this policy update (and indeed, all policy updates) is that it needs to be incorporated into your school’s existing policy which can take up a considerable amount of time that you and your colleagues don’t have to spare.

It is for this reason that we create, adjust, amend, and update school policies on your behalf, which includes an Acceptable Internet Use and Agreement Policy and an E-Safety Policy.

Policies for Schools have created over 290 school policies covering 20 different statutory areas which are easy to customise and thus will save you a considerable amount of time when one or more of your school policies require attention.

What’s more, if you have a specific need of a policy which isn’t listed on the website we will create it for you. You can find our full list of school policies by clicking here.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools, visit

Or, if you’d like to view a few sample policies beforehand, we have provided the following policies which are available to download free of charge by clicking here:

  • Calming Room Policy
  • Professional Learning Communities Policy and
  • School Website Policy.

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at, call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.

Keep up-to-date with new and updated school policies at

When we consider that the average school now has around 70 policies to cover an array of eventualities, and adds several more policies every year, it appears that there is an ever growing demand for policy changes and new policies (outlined by the DfE) to be located all in one place.

Fortunately, we have created such a place –

But we didn’t stop there for we also recognise that the process of creating, adjusting, amending, and updating school policies takes up a considerable amount of time that you and your colleagues simply don’t have spare. So we decided to go a step further…

Policies for Schools have created over 290 school policies covering 20 different statutory areas which are easy to customise and thus will save you a considerable amount of time when one or more school policies need creating, adjusting, amending, or updating.

What’s more, if you have a specific need of a policy which isn’t listed on the website, we will create it for you. You can find our full list of school policies by clicking here.

To subscribe to Policies for Schools, visit, or if you’d like to view a few sample policies beforehand, we have provided the following policies:

  • Calming Room Policy
  • Professional Learning Communities Policy and
  • School Website Policy

which are all available to download here, free of charge.

Alternatively, if you would like to know more about our service, you can email us at, call us on 01600 891 506, or write to us at Teachers Resource Centre Ltd, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.

Practical guide on developing an equality policy

Developing a single equality policy for your school: a CSIE guide

Written by CSIE staff and associates

  • Practical and accessible resource for schools
  • Essential for schools that want to challenge prejudice and stereotypes
  • Encourages whole school community to work together
  • User-friendly materials, organised around specific equality strands
  • Step-by-step guide on writing and reviewing an equality policy
  • Includes two examples of existing policies
  • Written in collaboration with school leaders
  • Published in March 2010, still relevant today
  • Offer price: £15.00 + £3.50 p&p (RRP £28.00)
  • November 2015 offer: buy one get one half price

This guide can help schools to:

  • demonstrate to Ofsted inspectors a well thought-out response to equality and diversity
  • meet statutory equality duties
  • ensure that promoting equality becomes an integral part of the school improvement process
  • clarify their own values and make sure they are reflected in everyday school life
  • sustain the changes that are made
  • make sure that everyone is safe, included and learning
  • Improve the school for staff as well as for children and families
 Order now to take advantage of this offer:

To order your copies, please email the following information to

Priority order code NOVEMBER2015
Developing a single equality policy for your school: a CSIE guide
Offer price: £15.00 + £3.50 p&p (RRP £28.00)
Number of copies required:
Your Name:
Contact telephone no:
Email address:
School Name:
School Address:


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A handbook for preventing Radicalisation and Terrorism

Your students may well know what terrorists do,
but do they know why they do it?

Anyone with access to a media outlet will know that the UK has a fundamental problem with its teenagers and young adults becoming radicalised by the various terrorist groups acting against the ways of the western world.

So much has this radicalisation of our young become a problem in recent years that, as part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, schools must now implement anti-radicalisation measures to help prevent young people from being drawn into terrorism.

However, there is a problem with this, which John Horgan of Georgia State University and author of The Psychology of Terrorism expresses:

“At a time when teachers are expected to do their part in preventing and reporting radicalization in their communities, there are virtually no resources to help understand and teach the complexity of terrorism in a way that is objective, balanced and accessible.”

In response to this, Alison Jamieson and Jane Flint have produced a masterful handbook which provides teachers with the means to support their pupils in recognising, debating, and disrupting extremist narratives within the context of the classroom.

Radicalisation and Terrorism is a reliable and objective resource that covers issues of citizenship, human rights and respect, civil and political engagement, the nature of identity, and how we identify with others.

It examines different forms of violence from bullying to the most recent examples of 21st century terrorism and explores what terrorists do and why they do it; how to differentiate between the reasons, goals and methods of terrorists; why the media and terrorism are inextricably linked; what makes terrorism start and what factors bring terrorism to an end.

You can order the Radicalisation and Terrorism resource in any of these ways:

  • On our website
  • By phone on 01449 766629
  • By fax on 01449 768047
  • By email to
  • Or By post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.

Brilliant Publications,
Mendlesham Industrial Estate,
Norwich Road,
IP14 5ND.


phone: 01449 766629
fax: 01449 768047