Exams, relationships, driving tests, independence, money … It’s just the Tip of the Iceberg.
Are our 16-18 year olds being left out when it comes to supporting
their mental health and well being in school?
The national curriculum does not cover key stage 5 and there are no suggested PSHE guidelines, so this could mean that finding a budget or a gap in the timetable for such provision is near on impossible. Also this situation means that there are few organisations out there offering projects for the complex needs of 16–18 year olds.
The PSHE Association’s Subject Advisor Nick Boddington says:
“I guess the bottom line is that PSHE education in Key stage 5 is your last chance to provide that learning that everyone needs but lies outside of the academic curriculum. Not a bad way of planning is to look back on all the PSHE work you have done in years 7-11 and ask yourself by the time they walk out of our school gates for the last time what more do we need to provided or reinforce to ensure that they have the knowledge understanding, feelings about themselves and others, are able to say and do, and understand their responsibilities to lead productive, independent, fulfilling and safe lives?”
The topics that are relevant and important to key stage 5 pupils can also be difficult to address within school and especially in the classroom. There are endless projects on career opportunities, university and finance, but it’s much harder to find sessions exploring more personal topics like sexuality, pornography and relationships, or effective delivery at that age on risky behaviours and health – yet according to research done with older students, this is what they are asking for. According to Ofsted research, when asked what would make PSHE education lessons more useful, pupils said;
‘Rape culture. What to look for in a healthy relationship.’ Female student
“The influence of the media such as porn on people’s views of sex and the human body.” Male student
It is the combination of need and lack of provision that inspired Tip of the Iceberg Theatre Company to develop two projects specifically aimed at the 16+ age group that tackle difficult topics in an involving, entertaining and informing way.
Having worked directly with over 100,000 young people Tip of the Iceberg Theatre Company strongly believe, from their experience working with sensitive and hard hitting issues, that the way to approach PSHE education should include a much broader look at our world – the internet, technology, the whole sex industry, and attitudes to risk – you cannot separate topics into small boxes or educate on these complex subjects in a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation. It is now more important than ever to create relationship, sex, internet and safety education projects that can be as compelling, as exciting and as influential as the media campaigns and products it is battling against.
“If you’re too ashamed to speak to children about sex, exploitative free porn will fill the gaps” Grace Dent, The Independent, Sept 8th 2015
From september 2015 Tip of the Iceberg Theatre Company will be touring the following projects for years 12 & 13.
“Sexposed Britain” A 30 minute performance followed by an interactive workshop.
Based on our imaginary fly-on-the wall documentary “Beyond the Surface” the play is made up of clips from the programme, the reactions of different people watching it, as well as parodies of other T.V shows and adverts. The format allows students to consider many aspects of a topic in a quick, recognisable and engaging format. The play shows a vast range of people in varying situations, from university students to grandparents, the pub to the school playground, the ideas of the young to doctors and psychologists.
The “Sexposed Britain” episode takes a mature approach to the many attitudes, ideas and pressures experienced by all ages in regards to sex and relationships in Britain today. The storylines include scenes around teenage pregnancy, sexual pressure, sexting, pornography, communicating feelings, self-esteem and self respect, marriage and sexuality.
In our workshops we use our performances as a springboard for pupils to examine their own attitudes, ideas and behaviours in relation to difficult, contentious and sensitive topics. We strive for students to learn something about themselves that will make a positive difference to the rest of their lives.
“What’s driving you?”An interactive project with performed scenes that explore personality types and road safety.
The format and content of the workshop utilise corporate training techniques and aspects of personality assessment used in the world of management and staff development, which are then combined with live performances, videos and debates.
This experience has been designed to empower students to be successful, healthy achievers and as they are asked to examine their ideas, attitudes and concepts of self, the project can influence many areas of their life – and not just the journey in a car. The workshop explores:
– Confidence
– Communication styles
– Attitudes to risk
– Decision making.
There are different delivery formats available from assemblies to full day projects.
Prices start at £550 + VAT
Please contact us for further information and an exact quote.
Hazel Ward
Schools and Performances
Email: admin@tipoftheiceberg.biz
Tel: 07519593711