Do you have any budding Olympians in your playground or would you like to promote exercise (both structured and at playtime) for the whole school?
If so we have designed and created ‘The IQ Line’ – probably the ultimate activity to promote the ABC’s (Agility, Balance & Co-ordination) in the playground.
But don’t take our word for it – see what your colleagues and children say:
- ‘Improves your balance & memory’ (KS2)
- ‘Great brain teaser’ (KS2)
- ‘Good for fun & exercise’ (KS1)
- ‘Great to see who can do it the quickest’ (KS2)
- ‘Brilliant – the children use it over and over again’ (Teacher)
- ‘We enjoyed giving it a go’ (Parent!)
- ‘Superb for getting the children involved in PE’ (Sports co-ordinator)
See for yourself, how The IQ Line could help generate more exercise, team building, structured play – and – provide the whole school with a fantastic PE aid
and let us know if you would like more information on this unique activity.
Mike Jarvie
Education Co-ordinator
T 01625 574 800