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Teaching Religious Ethics

Teaching Religious Ethics can involve students being introduced to a wide range of new topics all at once – which is why it can be helpful to have sets of copiable worksheets and/or a CD that can be put on the school’s learning platform so that the students can refer back to key points as the course continues.

This is what “Religious Ethics” by Francis Beswick aims to do. The volume examines ethical thinking in relation to various religious traditions and looks at how religious and secular ethics differ from each other.

Secular theories discussed include: Utilitarianism; Deontological Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Free will and Determinism. The book also looks at environmental ethics, medical ethics (including abortion, euthanasia and embryo research) and business ethics and how they relate to religious ethics, and throughout the book includes a large number of questions for students to consider and answer.

The book commences with the phrase “I ought to …” and notes that from this kind of statement ethics, whether it be secular or religious ethics, begins.

The volume is a helpful support for students studying A.Q.A. syllabi RSS01, RSS02 and RST3A and OCR’s syllabus G572. While this is not a complete course book for these syllabi, it is intended to explain the issues in a clear way so that students can clarify key issues.

Religious Ethics is available as a copiable spiral bound book or on CD Rom. The book comes with an unlimited photocopiable licence for the school, and costs £21.99 plus £3.95 delivery for either the book or CD. If you wish to buy both together the price is £28.98 plus £3.95 delivery.

You can order in four different ways. In each case please quote our reference T1697emn. Sample pages and a contents list can be viewed prior to ordering on

  • By post to First and Best, Hamilton House Mailings plc, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH
  • By fax on 01536 399 012
  • By phone with a credit card or with an official school order number on 01536 399 011
  • On line with a credit card at