Teaching Art to KS3 and KS4

Teaching Art to KS3 / KS4 is a highly illustrated book of lesson ideas.

The bulk of the book covers a series of 10 skill based lessons for KS3 & 4, a series of projects involving working with industry and reports on making links with art schools.

Each lesson, project and report is highly illustrated with examples of students’ work as they have progressed through the projects which include drawing faces in a crowd, “Reading a picture” which helps students work out what’s going on in a picture and then looking around the picture to understand the artist’s intention.

There is a project on drawing a picture square by square, one on comic strips, the “Ripped Paper Portrait” which helps the understanding of tone through colour, and a further project on newspaper portraits which helps pupils think about the way colour is used.

The composition exercises allow your pupils to create their own composition from pieces of art from well known artists, while the Observational pastel drawing project looks at observation and composition.

Throughout these and the other projects within the download the students can see the work of those who have gone before them, without in any way having their imaginations restricted.

Teaching Art to KS3 and KS4 is published as a download so that you can receive immediately a copy onto your computer which you can print out for colleagues as often as you want. You can also put it on your school learning platform so all members of your department can access the document. YOu can view sample pages at http://www.pdf.firstandbest.co.uk/authordownloadsamples/T1800samples.pdf

You can obtain Teaching Art to KS3 and KS4 by going to http://shop.firstandbest.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=76_121&products_id=771

The price is £10 plus VAT (the VAT can be reclaimed in most cases by the school). For teachers who buy the download there is a PowerPoint version that is available free on request from the publisher.

Teaching Art to KS3 and KS4 is published by First and Best in Education, part of the Hamilton House group. If you have any enquiries you can call 01536 399 011, or email sales@firstandbest.co.uk or write to us at First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH.

The full range of First and Best books can be seen at www.shop.firstandbest.co.uk

First and Best in Education
Earlstrees Road
NN17 4HH

Website: www.shop.firstandbest.co.uk
Email: sales@firstandbest.co.uk


what is BON VOYAGE !

An energetic and interactive French performance in your school

who will benefit from BON VOYAGE ?

Designed for students up to and including Year 8 (some schools inc. Year 9).

Key Stage 2 and 3


why will students learn from BON VOYAGE ?

It includes key vocabulary from Key Stage 2 and 3 including: holidays, travel, directions, the weather, family, food, numbers, hobbies and interests

Pitched to give students confidence in their ability to understand and speak French


A high quality production, developed after over 10 years experience in educational language theatre, which includes comedy, music and slick physical theatre to ensure the students are focused and interested throughout


The play makes French friendly and accessible and has been designed to engage todays young people.


It reinforces students learning and gives a truly memorable and positive experience of the French language.


what is BON VOYAGE about ?

Pierre flies into the sunny south of France for a surfing holiday with his cousin, Lola. All Pierre wants to do is surf but getting there seems to be a struggle for our simple soul!


Lola tries to keep Pierre on track as they try out local transport and follow directions to the beach. Finally they arrive at Surfers Cove – but whats happened to the weather, how can Pierre surf on an empty stomach and what happens if he is photographed riding a wave with his hair out of place ?!


Sun, sea and surf are all Pierre dreams about. Will he ever make it to the water to catch the ultimate wave?

when is BON VOYAGE touring ?


www.flyingtheatre.com education@flyingtheatre.com


What do French teachers say about our performances?


The production was absolutely brilliant! The French was superb and the actors were clearly highly enthusiastic about what they were doing and engaged the audience superbly. I have seen several productions from travelling companies and this was the very best by a long way. I would have no hesitation in recommending your company to any school.
St Mary’s School, Shaftesbury.


We had a ball! We absolutely loved the performances. The children were ecstatic and totally inspired, thought Pierre was hilarious and were very giddy with joy!
The Academy at Shotton Hall , County Durham


A huge thank you for a truly wonderful performance at our school. Our students were not only thoroughly engaged and entertained, but they were also able to follow the production with ease since the vocabulary was pitched at exactly the right level.
In our follow-up session the students acted out short plays in French and it was a delight to witness the high levels of motivation and enthusiasm; clearly a result of having watched your production. I would recommend that all schools include a performance of Vive la France in their annual calendar; it’s an absolute must!
Conyers School Stockton-on-Tees