5 Tips to Improve School to Parent Communication

Is your current parent communication strategy as effective as it should be? Can you identify which parents are least engaged? Are parents getting more involved as a result of your communications?

Parental engagement is in the spotlight; we look at 5 tips that can give your school to parent communications a boost

1. Share the big and little stories.

Parents want to know that their child’s school has the ambition and drive to achieve their vision. Sharing plans, ideas and projects on a regular basis will help parents understand what your school is aiming for and what role they can play in that journey.

Sharing the day to day news, successes and achievements will not only help parents feel closer to their child’s education but it will also provide discussion topics for parents to speak to their child about when they come home from school.

2. Two-way communication.

Communication between parents and schools should be two-way. Collaborating with parents by asking for feedback, ideas and comments will lead to improved engagement.

Asking for views from parents will confirm the important role they play in supporting their child throughout school life. The current Ofsted framework also sets out that inspectors should ask for evidence that the views of parents are sought after.

3. Accessible and consistent.

Using one platform for school communications that is accessible across multiple devices at any time will not only make it easier for parents to get the whole picture but will also make that platform the go-to place for trusted school information.

4. Go beyond the school gates.

Sometimes the biggest impact on pupils can be the decisions taken outside of the school gates by local or central government policy makers. Sharing Sector news such as Pupil Premium updates and changes to Ofsted inspection criteria on a regular basis will help parents understand the expectations on your school and how national or local policy can directly impact their child.

5. Monitor Results.

How many parents are you reaching? Which parents are least engaged with your communications? Are parents getting more involved and expressing their views? A good whole school communication platform should be able to give you these answers and subsequently enable schools to identify those parents that are the hardest to reach. This allows for more informed decisions to be made on how best to engage with that group further.

SchoolCal is unique in the market place by providing a web, mobile and application based platform designed specifically for schools.  Schedule unlimited messages, emails and dates to be sent to specific groups, individuals or everyone.

To find out more or to book an online demo at a time to suit you please visit http://www.school-cal.co.uk/features/ or call 0161 266 1028.

World War 1 – free poster

How are you commemorating World War I? Why not make an impact and save time with this extensive and attractive set of 34 print-your-own pdf posters marking the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

The posters cover a wide range of topics such as: The trigger for war; Christmas truces; Casualties; Shell shock; Gas; Conscientious objectors; Soldiers from the Empire; Women at work and in war.

You can download a free poster, and see the complete set available at http://www.carelpress.co.uk/hh_history/

The posters will make a fantastic and informative display.

Ann Batey
Office Manager
Carel Press
(01228 538928)
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Making Maths Magical

What is the one classroom activity that will enhance your pupils’ confidence in, and enjoyment of maths more than any other?

There are only a limited number of activities around that are designed specifically to increase children’s enjoyment of maths.  And yet the more children do see maths as an enjoyable subject the more confidence they will have in the subject – and the more rapidly their studies will progress.

Which is why we created Magical Maths.

Magical Maths is a school based workshop aimed at either KS1 or KS2 students.  It is taught on a class-by-class basis with up to five classes being taught during the course of the day, with each class session lasting 45 minutes to an hour.

The sessions are based around the notion of magic, and indeed the practitioner who leads the sessions is a member of the Magic Circle.  Children practice and perform the magic tricks that are taught during the workshop – magic which is all based on National Curriculum maths.

As a result the children gain new mathematical insights and revel in their new-found positive relationship with mathematics.

To enquire about a possible booking please call me on 07870 215675 or email Jasmine@Jasminesmagicparties.co.uk with the words MAGIC MATHS in the subject line.