Parents’ evenings are parents’ evenings. Most schools organise them each year exactly as they organised them last year.
And the year before.
But… there can be queues, delays, no-shows… It is indeed rare to hear of a parents’ evening in which everything has run as smoothly as we would all like and actually finished on time, with no parent being delayed beyond his/her appointment time.
However, there is a way around this.
And that is to use a system whereby parents log in from any computer and make their appointments. The system then keeps a record of the appointments, to which parents can refer at any time.
In using this system schools normally find that parent participation can increase by at least 20%.
Such an improvement comes from using Parent Teacher Online: a versatile program that isn’t just limited to parents’ evenings but can be used for any activity that involves bringing people into the school.
Thus Parent Teacher Online can also be used for admission interviews, form tutor evenings, parents’ consultation meetings and the booking of after school activities.
You can read more, see how the program works, and book a free trial or demonstration at
Alternatively for more information please either email us at or call us on 01524 22 00 66.
Parent Teacher Online Ltd
InfoLab 21
Lancaster University