If there is one thing that can readily take a student up a grade it is vocabulary.
Which is why we have produced a resource pack which covers a wide range of French language exercises, which aim to reinforce and expand vocabulary.
The worksheets provide students with valuable language and reading practice. The resource also contain the necessary words and phrases that students need to speak and write confidently and with authenticity.
They can be used in class or as homework tasks. Model answers are also included for each page.
The vocabulary and language tasks can also be used by teachers as benchmark tests to monitor their students’ progress throughout the A-Level and IB French course.
A grand total of 19 different language points are covered, including:
- Les définitions
- Les synonymes
- Les homonymes
- Les antonymes
- Les expressions idiomatiques avec les nombres
- Les expressions idiomatiques avec les parties du corps
- Les expressions idiomatiques avec les couleurs
- Les erreurs courantes en français
- Les faux-amis
- Les niveaux de langue
- Le langage de la rue
- Les paronymes
- Les homographes
- Les prépositions
- Les conjonctions de coordination
- Les conjonctions de subordination
- Les conjonctions de subordination suivies de l’infinitif
- Les adverbes de temps
- La différence entre nombre, numéro et chiffre
This resource contains 51 copiable pages which are available as PDF downloads or as a PDF or editable Word files on a CD. The price of £29.99 + VAT is the same for all formats.
Once purchased the CD can be freely copied and networked throughout the school.
To see sample pages please email sales@classroom-resources.co.uk quoting the order code 9223.
You can order the Essential French Language Practice for A-Level and International Baccalaureate French in any of these ways:
- On our website
- By phone on 0117 940 6409
- By fax on 0117 940 6408
- By email (quoting a school order number) to sales@classroom-resources.co.uk
- By post to: Classroom Resources, PO Box 1489, Bristol, BS99 3QJ