The first time I saw myself…..

Seeing oneself as others see us is probably the most powerful self-improvement tool that there is

For most of us, the first time we see a recording of ourselves teaching it can be something of shock.

But having such a shock is worthwhile, for hearing and seeing ourselves can be incredibly beneficial. Indeed there are many teachers for whom the breakthrough from being a young, inexperienced and not particularly effective teacher, to a person who commands the classroom, starts with this experience of seeing oneself.

In many cases there are significant teaching points that can be revealed from viewing such a video. But it is also the fact that quite often teachers particularly benefit from knowing they will be the only person to see the video.

If they are then asked to report back on one or two changes that they are making as a result of watching themselves teach, then the journey to self-improvement can start.

And this is one of the key points about recording lessons: self-reflection without anyone else seeing the video can be a very powerful approach.

Many of us do find watching ourselves teach quite difficult, and the last thing we want is to share our embarrassment with others. But when we have watched such videos a few times in private, some simple issues do become revealed.

From this, most of us can understand that a slight change in the way one approaches a class can make a significant difference to the way a class responds.

It was the consideration of this process which can be the very earliest stage of self-reflection and self-improvement that led us to set up Classwatch.

With the Classwatch video system any lesson recorded can be reserved to be reviewed only by the teacher who took the lesson, with the teacher’s analysis of what he/she has discovered being discussed without others seeing the recording.

Only later when the teacher has had the chance to implement changes in his/her approach need a recording be made and shared with a relevant colleague.

You can find more information about the Classwatch system by clicking here.

Alternatively you can call us on 0800 043 9510 or email us at

I look forward to hearing from you.

Andrew Jenkins