GCSE AQA PE Pre-Release Scenario Exam Pack 2014: Westshore Netball Club

Half of this summer’s Unit 3 exam (full course) and Unit 1 exam (short course) AQA GCSE PE is based on AQA’s pre-release scenario, this year featuring ‘Westshore Netball Club’. The team-based scenario is tougher than previous years, so effective exam preparation will be essential.

How well will your GCSE PE class know ‘Westshore Netball Club’?

This unique resource, totally focused on maximising exam performance, contains all the preparation material that students need for Section B of the pre-release scenario:

  • An introduction to the scenariowhat is there and what does it mean? With key terms highlighted and explained.
  • Clear and concise revision notes, related specifically to ‘Westshore Netball Club’ and in spec order. Activities for every section to develop exam skills and consolidate learning.
  • Section B mock exam questions, with useful ‘what is the question asking you to do’ sections, model student answers and marking tips.
  • Teaching PowerPoints for delivery of the scenario material.

Plus, brand new for 2014: structured revision cards

Pre-order this year’s pack for 10th February at: http://zzed.co.uk/Westshore



As with all ZigZag resources, you can be confident of the highest standards. All resources go through a rigorous process of checking, proofreading and professional styling before reaching you. ZigZag resources are available as ‘copy masters’ or in editable format and come with a site licence, allowing you to pay once and copy as often as you need, or put on your server for multiple use.

The ‘Summer 2014 – Westshore Netball Club’ Pre-Release Resource Pack is available as:

  1. Black and white photocopy master with site licence (£54)
  2. PDF for easy printing in full colour (add 30%+VAT)
  3. PDF with editable Word files (add 50%+VAT)

Order now at http://zzed.co.uk/Westshore

ZigZag Education, Unit 3, Greenway Business Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol BS10 5PY
t: 0117 950 3199 | f: 0117 959 1695 | PE-WE25@zigzageducation.co.uk

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