When it comes to giving the inspectorate what they want,
there is one process that always delivers
One of the patterns that has emerged in terms of school inspections in recent years is the focus on issues which are deemed to have a significant influence on every student in the school.
And of all the issues that fall into this category, homework is the one that has got the inspectors the most energised.
Homework has become a central focus because it affects every subject area, it relates directly to learning, and much of the time is the part of the school’s process which is most readily visible to parents.
Not surprisingly, given this mode of thinking by Ofsted and other inspection bodies, many schools are using homework as the key leverage point when focussing on improving the report the inspectors deliver.
Of course, getting everyone to put in the maximum effort to complete their homework, while ensuring that all the parents who want to know what homework has been set can see it immediately, is complex.
Which is why the online homework calendar “Show My Homework” exists and is used across all subjects in many schools throughout the UK.
It allows teachers to record homework, it provides translations for parents whose first language is not English, it records the marks, and it is instantly available to the inspectors to show them what has been done day by day in all subjects.
Naturally we don’t expect you just to take our word for this. So, we have a without obligation free trial of our online homework calendar.
You can find more information on our online homework system on our website.
Alternatively click here for a free demonstration or call us on 020 3397 7546 for more information.