What today’s employers want and expect

Talk to most employers who take on young people just out of school (either for permanent jobs or for temporary employment) and the chances are you will hear some complaints.

These complaints tend to focus around the fact that “these youngsters simply don’t know what being in a job means”.

They might give as examples the fact that some teenagers think that they know everything (when from the employers point of view they know nothing), that when they have finished a job they just sit around either doing nothing or using their mobile.

Indeed one employer that we spoke to commented on a school leaver who actually checked his mobile for messages during an interview!

What Employers Want and Expect deals with the attitude of employers to employees and with the new demands that employers are placing on staff.

The book recognises that under current legislation, employers have an almost total right to dismiss employees during the early days of employment for any reason and notes that the average time people now spend in a job is only two years and four months.

The book takes the view that in order to stay in work the vast majority of young employees must help themselves by being aware of the current needs and attitudes of employers.

It is quite probably the only book which examines the attitude of employers towards young employees and advises teenagers how they can make a good impression.

The volume, which is fully copiable and so can be put on the school’s learning platform, copied to disk or photocopied, covers such issues as reliability, accuracy, punctuality, honesty, smoking, communication, written work, swearing, etc.

This edition, new for 2013, also includes warnings concerning what one can write on Facebook. As the book points out, many employers will check the Facebook pages of their employees to ensure that no one is saying anything amiss about the company that pays the wages.

It is, in fact, essential reading for everyone going into a job for the first time.

The volume can be bought as a photocopiable book or on CD Rom.

You can see some sample pages at http://www.pdf.firstandbest.co.uk/careers/T1798.pdf

Publisher’s reference: T1799EMN ISBN: 978 1 86083 895 8


  • Photocopiable report in a book, £19.95 plus £3.95 delivery
  • CD with school-wide rights: £19.95 plus £3.95 delivery
  • Both the book and the CD £26.94 plus £3.95 delivery

Prices include VAT.

You can purchase the report… please quote the order ref: T1798EMN