This 150 page book will be invaluable to any student of the Second Reich at Advanced level. It provides a comprehensive, narrative chronological structure which is a prerequisite of any study of the period. Personalities and events are recounted in considerable detail and are clearly set in context.
However the book goes beyond most standard textbooks in the way it prepares students to produce competent essay responses to exam questions and provides practice in handling documentary source.
- Students are given key questions to consider and are encouraged to test continuously the theories of historians against their own findings.
- Essay style questions are set at each stage in the book, all drawn from past exam papers.
- Documentary criticism skills are continuously tested.
- Frequent historiographical references remind students to read beyond this text to gain a greater understanding of the subject.
What’s more, the materials are available as a photocopiable book and as a CD which can be put onto the school’s network and shared among all students for whom it is relevant. Thus all students may use the material with the purchase of just one copy.
ISBN No: 978 1 86083 564 3 Order code: T1649EMN
Sample pages are available to download free of charge from
- Photocopiable book: £29.95 plus £3.95 delivery
- CD: £29.95 plus £3.95 delivery
- CD plus photocopiable book: £36.94 plus £3.95 delivery
You can order… Please quote the order code T1649EMN
- By post: Write to First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH
- By fax: To 01536 399 012
- By phone: quoting a credit card number or a school order reference number: 01536 399 018
- On line: Go to – you will need a credit card to complete the order