A TA who receives just one day of subject specific literacy training will have a greater impact on young people’s learning outcomes than one who has none. That might sound obvious, but too many committed and inspirational people are employed as teaching assistants knowing they could be doing so much more.
The potential impact is far reaching – not only can TAs have a positive effect on literacy levels and attainment but they are known to also influence behaviour, confidence and attendance.
Of course, any good quality TA training needs to include an understanding of the range of strategies for reading and writing, knowledge of phonics and equip the TA with practical ideas to help young people become independent readers and writers.
That’s why we’re offering this one day training package for Teaching Assistants, packed with vital information that will start to make a difference to their work immediately.
Sue Dixon, founder of Thinking Child, has designed this course from years of experience as a literacy consultant and trainer. She understands what is required on a core learning module and what TAs and schools require from limited time and budgets.
This starter day will include a review of the questions ‘How do we read?’ and include detailed work on reading strategies, including phonics and grammar. The day will end as it began by looking again at the question ‘Why do we read?’
After this one day TAs will feel more confident and become more effective in the school.
Follow up training which looks at ‘Reading into Writing’ is also available. This is where the connections can be explored in more depth and be tailored to the work that TAs are deployed to carry out in your school.
This core day of valuable training can be delivered in your own setting with groups of TAs – up to a maximum of 20. All materials and handouts are included in the package cost of £750.
Individual Training Course places in Northamptonshire are also available in June/July 2013.
To book your course or find out more visit the website http://www.thinkingchild.org.uk/training/
Telephone 01604 491511