For many of us teaching drama, at the heart of the practical activities is the desire for everyone to be able to join in and for everyone to enjoy a lively lesson in which self-consciousness melts away
Such lessons should then leave all the students feeling both relaxed and supported – and should leave them more aware of who they are and what they could be.
This is exactly the aim of Drama Depot which provides forty lessons for years 7 to 9 complete with warm ups and preparatory activities.
Throughout, the assumption is that everyone taking part has little previous dramatic knowledge – and indeed it is certainly possible for teachers with limited or no experience of drama to be able to use the the lessons should the need arise.
Thus drama becomes a totally practical subject. Texts are occasionally used within the book to enhance the nature of the work, but they are never fundamental to each lesson.
Overall the assumption behind these activities is that the average drama lesson lasts between 40 – 60 minutes (although the lessons can be adjusted for longer or shorter sessions).
Beyond that the idea is that the lessons should not have an overtly academic basis. They provide a chance for the students to expand their knowledge of what drama means and will make students always want to come back for more.
The students can work in pairs, in threes and occasionally in larger groups in order to ensure that the whole class is occupied all the time.
The forty lessons should provide more than enough material to last a whole school year – or the lessons can be spread over three years and interspersed with other materials.
Cat No: 978 1 86083 836 1 Order code: T1816emn – please quote with order.
Sample pages can be viewed at
- Photocopiable book: £24.95 plus £3.95 delivery
- CD with school-wide rights: £24.95 plus £3.95 delivery
- Both the Book and the CD: £31.94 plus £3.95 delivery
- Prices include VAT.
You can purchase the report from the publisher:
- By post to First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Way, Corby, NN17 4HH
- On the phone with a school order number at 01536 399 011
- By fax to 01536 399 012
- On line with a credit card at