When the causes of anger are identified, outbreaks of anger can be managed and greatly reduced

It is a simple fact that pupils in school who express anger which cannot be controlled cause disruption in the classroom and in the school at large.

But helping pupils control their anger is difficult; for this anger is often a reaction not just to everyday experiences but to accumulated problems across time.  Daily events are generally just the trigger.  The causes are invariably much deeper.

Unfortunately in such circumstances the teacher can be in an invidious position, wanting to offer emotional support to a pupil clearly in difficulty, while at the same time being a teacher with a duty towards everyone in the class.

And yet it is possible for these pupils can be fully integrated back into mainstream schooling and indeed subsequently become well-adjusted members of society – providing they get the right help.

Such reintegration involves not just managing a child’s behaviour but also seeking out and dealing with the issues that are causing this behaviour and then helping the child find the best emotional coping strategies to resolve the problem.

Sadly, for children who do not receive the support they need, education will only go so far to engage them. They need assistance in facing up to their problems and resolving them so that they avoid falling through the gaps in the education system or hiding from their issues with destructive behaviours that could harm themselves and others.

And this is what NLP4Kids offers.  Helping pupils communicate their thoughts and feelings with others, helping them make meaningful relationships, and ultimately helping them  improve their employment opportunities.

If you feel that you have some children in your school who are not reaching their full potential because of anger and related issues, and you would like to make use of external funding to help these children, I would ask you to get in touch.

We have already worked with numerous schools across the country and now have additional time and funding available to come to your school and work with the children you nominate. There are more details of our work at http://nlp4kids.org.uk/schools-co-uk/

If you would like to discuss the options without any obligation please do call 0345 3192 666 or 0203 6677 294 or email gemma@NLP4Kids.org