The impact of technology on education

Technology has been changing the way that lessons are taught for a number of years now. The introduction of new digital teaching resources has opened up a world of possibilities for teachers and students alike.

We currently live in a time of constant technological advancements and have seen rapid progression over the last few decades, but how has education been impacted by these changes and what can we expect to see in the future? Together with print management software providers United Carlton, we take a look at how technology is changing education now and how these advancements will impact teaching in the future.

How is technology changing education now?

The old blackboard and chalk has been abandoned in favour of digital solutions. A variety of learning establishments have adopted technology, including universities, high schools, colleges and nurseries. As technology advances further, it is proving more useful in providing pupils with a well-rounded learning experience. Pupils are now exposed to technology from a young age, which allows them to learn essential skills for the working world.

Research by Barbie Clarke of the Family, Kids and Youth research group showed that 68% of primary schools and 68% of secondary schools had adopted electronic tablets in the classroom. 9% of these participants reported that there was a device available for each student in attendance. Of the remaining schools, 45% reported that they would consider introducing such devices in the future. A study conducted in 2014 found that there were 430,000 tablets being used in educational establishments, with this figure expected to grow to more than 900,000 by 2016. The results of this study were never released however, and it was not updated for 2018.

But what impact is this technology having on lessons exactly? Regardless of the subject, lessons are now a lot more interactive and as a result, pupil participation in lessons has increased. Electronic devices have been shown to allow pupils to retain more information when compared to textbooks. These devices are also highly adaptable, so they can be used to cater to a number of different learning styles. Teachers also benefit from this, as they can search for the materials that they need using the internet, which helps them to plan lessons.

Webinars or online lessons are also becoming more common. Teachers can now connect with their students remotely. This method is mainly used by colleges and universities, however it can be used with younger children to help them with a specific subject. Online exams are also becoming more prevalent, which demonstrates the shift that we have seen over the last few years towards digital methods of teaching.

How will technology change education in the future?

It has been suggested that in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) devices could play a big role in education. Sir Anthonly Seldon from the University of Buckingham said that the introduction of AI over the next ten years will have a huge impact on teaching methods. He predicts that although teachers will still be present in classrooms, they will take on the role of assistant while the lessons are taught by AI devices. This would shift the focus away from teaching and mean that teachers would only be present to monitor classroom behaviour and help out if needed.

Seldon said “It will open up the possibility of an Eton or Wellington education for all”.

It is predicted that AI technology will allow students to learn based on their individual needs, as these devices are able to learn how quickly a student can learn so that they get the most out of their lessons.

As technology continues to advance and spread, it is clear that it will have significant effects on the way that the education system works and on its future development!