If a school ordered 600 of a new scientific calculator in June 2016 and then another 600 of the same model in March 2017, what would your conclusions be?

It’s probably not unreasonable to assume that the school was satisfied with the new calculator and that it met the criteria of their maths department as well as being suitable for use in GCSE exams.

….and the calculator in question ?   It’s the Logik LK 83XP  model, feauring “natural display” format,  dual power (battery & solar) prime factorisation and a host of other features which make it a sensible choice for KS 3, KS 4 and GCSE maths.

Further details of the LK 83XP dual power scientific calc can be found at: www.signposteducational.co.uk or contact Signpost Educational Ltd on 020 7515 1797 or email:   info@signposteducational.co.uk