The pivotal moment in Europe

What is the most effective way of helping students to understand what happened in Germany from 1933 onwards?

It can readily be argued that the pivotal period of the 20th century was the seizure of power by Hitler in 1933 through to the war crimes tribunal of 1945.

And indeed there is no better way to understand this period in European history than to visit the rally grounds, concentration camps, ghettos and other key sites that have been preserved to ensure that we do not forget how readily civilization can be overthrown.

This is why StudyTrips has evolved its famous school visits of the key sites from this period – which can take in either one or two of the key locations in the rise and fall of Nazism or explore on a much wider scale across four days.

Students may be rightly apprehensive about visiting the concentration camp at Dachau – which is why a guided tour of the camp including the gas chamber, crematoria and huts where people slept is important to keep the context clear in everyone’s mind.

And they will quickly perceive that all this happened in a part of Europe, not that far from home. In many ways this is the most dramatic understanding that they get from the visit.

As with all StudyTrips tours, you can develop your own itinerary to suit a specific curriculum module. Thus we can build a trip for you around Hitler’s foreign policy or life in Nazi Germany, the development of nationalism, the Holocaust, censorship and the free press, or any other aspect of the era that you wish to consider in depth with your students.

The full tour, 10 days in length, includes visits to Nuremberg, Prague, Krakow and Berlin and incorporates the Third Reich Documentation Centre, the War Crimes courtroom, the scene of the Luitpoldhain rallies, the Lidice memorial and museum, the Ghetto Museum, Auschwitz and Kirkenua, the Holocaust Memorial and the Wannsee Conference House.

Or you can focus on one or two key locations and change the length of the visit to suit your particular requirements.

Indeed, whatever specific curriculum content you are following, the tour can be arranged to suit the requirements of the course.

You can find more information on our website by clicking here.

Alternatively please call us on 0845 130 6070 or email us at

But is it art?

There are many possible reasons to arrange an art study trip to London, but here’s one reason I’d put forward. That whenever you look at what’s on, there is always something new and always such a choice.

Which is why Study Trips works directly with schools to plan their own unique school visit to London’s art galleries.

And what’s more, arranging a trip need not be a time-consuming, stressful task. Call us to discuss your ideas and we’ll make all the arrangements to your specific requirements

Here’s a small selection of current and forthcoming exhibitions:

The ‘must see’ Barbara Hepworth exhibition of the year opens at the Tate Britain from the 24th June. The first major show dedicated to a prominent British sculptor for nearly 50 years.

Running at the moment there is “Inventing Impressionism” at the National, “Magnificent Obsessions (the artist as collector)” at the Barbican, and “Sculpture Victorious” at Tate Britain.

Meanwhile there is “Abstraction and the Sublime” at Tate Modern, and (from 15th March) the launch of the new Christina Mackie work at Tate Britain.

If you want something particularly different, the Saatchi Gallery has an exhibition of representational 1:1 scale bronze sculptures by Greg Forrest which includes his Stanley Cup Washing Machine, a Drum Kit and a piece replicating the instruments used by the late Keith Moon, former drummer of The Who.

Of course, London’s galleries have first-class learning resources to enrich the experience, from interactive workshops, guided tours and classroom activities led by gallery educators.

In short, everything is there for you to choose – you simply tell us what you want and we’ll organise the event for you.

And if you are staying for a night or two we can add a visit to a suitable West End show and a meal at Planet Hollywood.

You can find more information on our website by clicking here.

Alternatively please call us on 0845 026 4661 or email us at