How confident are you being an ‘Outdoor’ Teacher?

Do you think your confidence is linked to:

  • Your level of insanity?
  • A ‘can do’ attitude’?
  • A simple, balanced and practical approach – as with all teaching and learning?
  • The quality of your anorak?

The truth is, we can relate to all those answers (well maybe not the insanity one).

The perception of outdoor teaching and learning is often one of planning for hours, needing to source specialist resources, including suitable clothing for all your children, and a risk assessment as long as your arm. By the time you’ve thought of all the ‘extras’ you’ve given up on the idea.

So how can we teach outdoors more regularly without it taking an inordinate amount of planning time – thereby using our immediate school grounds more effectively and frequently?

These were the underpinning questions that have informed our outdoor learning packs:

Each offers ideas for teaching and learning outdoors in active, playful ways but in the knowledge that important literacy and numeracy objectives are being addressed. All this can take place right outside the classroom, and only basic resources are ever needed.

What better way to ensure that children enjoy the benefits of learning outdoors on a more frequent basis?

Better still, you can now buy all three packs together with our ‘OUTDOOR COMBO’ offer – all three for just £110 (plus VAT).

Invoices can be raised for UK schools – use the INVOICE button on the website.


You can Fax an order: 01604 570773

Or simply pick up the phone 01604 491511 for a chat.

Yours sincerely

Sue Dixon