Circle Time is an effective way of teaching Social and Emotional Learning and character Education, as well as being a method that promotes safety, inclusiveness, fun, team work and deep thinking.
The Beginner’s Guide to Circle Time is suitable as a first time introduction to Circle Time for new teachers or as a refresher for experienced teachers wanting to revive their skills and understanding. The book covers:
• What is Circle Time? • Role of the Facilitator • How do you do Circle Time? • Managing behaviour
Provides explanations and instructions for all the types of Circle Time strategies including:
• Welcoming & Name Games • Rapport Building Games • Sentence Completions •Pair-Share • Sequencing Games •Stories • Pass Around the Circle Games • Mixing Games •Silent Statements • Imagination Games • Team Games
Also included is an explanation of the importance of reflection as part of the Circle Time process and easy-to-use reflection sheets that may form the basis of a student journal.
Resource sheets for feelings, behaviour, character education, Circle Time themes, sample sessions and session planners all make this a comprehensive and practical resource.
Post: Small World, 9 Burnham Place, Syresham, Northants, NN13 5HT
Tel: 01280 850 305
Fax: 01280 850 718