Activities for Mentoring Young People – Stephanie George

The activities within this volume provide specific structured tasks that can be used during mentoring meetings and to support mentoring intervention.

They will help build rapport, provide evidence of progress through assessment and cover specific issues such as improving attendance, time management, study skills, how to think more positively, conflict resolution and anger management.

Within the volume there are 20 mentoring-specific activities that link pastoral and curriculum aspects of learning, thus linking school work with the whole child.

Each activity is mapped against Ofsted Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Development criteria addressing student attitudes to learning, attendance and punctuality, considering progress and addressing communication skills.

Through this the volume encourages consistently high expectations of students, improving the quality of learning effectively and giving constructive feedback.

The first activity provides an opportunity to build rapid rapport with a student and then gives the students the opportunity to assess themselves before they develop a set of SMART targets and create a plan of action.

The book then continues through a further 40 tasks as the work of helping the students develop and reach their maximum potential continues.

The activities aim to provide specific structured tasks that can be used during mentoring meetings and support mentoring intervention by:

1. Offering issue-specific activities, e.g. the activity ‘I’m Seeing Red’.

2. Provide structure for building rapport, e.g. the anger-issue activity ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’.

3. Give opportunities for written evidence of progress for the student, e.g. the student self-assessment and reassessment activities.

All of the activities are accompanied by reproducible activity sheets such as assessment and planning forms, information sheets, charts, action plans, cards and questionnaires. Most of the activities can be used discretely as standalone activities. However, one or two run consecutively e.g. baseline assessment and subsequent reassessment. Any activity can be selected to address a particular need with a student.

At the very heart of this book is a set of activities that enable mentors to demonstrate the impact of mentoring intervention. Most importantly, the activities, once complete, will provide users with evidence of work with students that is demonstrable both to them and to other stakeholders.

Stephanie George is a teacher, trainer and author of The Learning Mentor Manual (Sage, 2010), the leading educational textbook on mentor practice in England. She has experience of working with teams of mentors in a variety of challenging settings. Stephanie has been responsible for the training and development of Learning Mentors since their inception and regularly runs courses and INSET on all aspects of mentoring practice in schools. She is also the recipient of two Department for Education Excellence in Cities awards.

Stephanie and her team have just been announced as the 2013 winners of the TES Support Stars competition designed to reward the achievements of support staff across the UK.

A4, 92pp plus FREE CD-Rom

ISBN 978-1-909380-03-5

Order code 062-HH, £24.99

To order please telephone 01604 870828, fax 01604 870986, email visit the website or post to Loggerhead Publishing Ltd, PO Box 928, Northampton NN7 9AP