PSHE Information and Services

Think b4 u Post – Your Reputation and Privacy on Social Networking Sites
Viewtech Educational Media, 7-8 Falcons Gate, Dean Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5NH

01454 858055
01454 858056

Think b4 u Post is an educational DVD resource for class presentation and library reference that uses a light touch to deliver some very serious information on how users can protect their reputation and guard their privacy online while still having a good time using social networking sites. Appealing to teenagers, the message doesn’t try to limit the fun and practicality of online interaction and social networking sites; conversely, it provides insight to enhance online experiences and keep users texting, posting, and emailing safely for years to come. “…a valuable contribution to PSHE provision and it certainly conveys relevant and important information about keeping yourself, and your friends, safe on line.” – Reviewed at


Tackling bullying: where to start?
All Resources, PO Box 4526, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 0TJ

0872 115 3933

Our Bullying – A Complete Approach resource has been produced to complement your school’s current resources.

The pack contains sections on verbal and physical bullying, peer pressure, cyberbullying, assertiveness and building self-esteem.

A short play is also included to help initiate class discussion as well as a section for teachers and parents with hints on how to identify bullying.

A workbook and photocopiable worksheets are also included which provide helpful tips on drawing up an anti-bullying policy for your school.

This resource is available as a hard copy or an ebook and free sample pages are available on our website.

Helping teenagers understand difficult topics?
Canonbury Business Centre, Unit 10B, Shepperton House, 89 Shepperton Road
Islington, London, N1 3DF
Tel: 0844 800 3056

There are all sorts of “difficult” topics that beset teenage lives: depression, alcohol abuse, personal hygiene, sex, bereavement, STDs, being overweight…

Talking to students about these issues can result in an increased awareness of the subject. But how do we motivate the silent student to speak and ensure the debate continues in a controlled way

The Egar Choice Discussion Cards cover a wide range of topics incorporating not just the topics above, but also such issues as gun culture, anger, crime, vandalism, love, bullying etc

If you wish to place an order please you can use the check out on the above link (schools can be invoiced on account) or by contacting us via the following methods. Please quote HH1 on all correspondence.

Helping your students manage anger?

Loggerhead Publishing, PO Box 928, Northampton, NN7 9AP

Phone: 0845 605 0230
0844 3350776


This step-by-step programme of ten lesson plans provides all the information you need to run a successful Anger Management programme with your students. It will enable them to gain the essential skills they need to develop their emotional literacy, using real-life examples with which they will identify.

The aim, required resources and methods are outlined at the beginning of each lesson and are all accompanied by user-friendly, reproducible student and teacher worksheets. The programme is available for either primary or secondary students and in each case is priced at £39.95 + VAT plus £3.50 Post and packing.

  • Anger Management – Secondary, Order code: 036HH
  • Anger Management – Primary, Order code: 043HH

Please quote the order code when ordering.