Some behaviour management books run to hundreds of pages, and if you are writing a thesis on the subject or running courses for other teachers they might be exactly what you need.
But sometimes there is a need to go back to the beginning – especially if you are looking to help NQTs, support staff or other colleagues who are having some difficulties in the classroom.
It’s for this reason we have produced Behaviour Management: or what do I do now?
The aim of the booklet is simple – to set out the basics in behaviour management in a short simple format, so that anyone interested can take the information and transform their work in the classroom immediately.
The focus is the simple question: “What do I do with young people who have anger and behaviour issues?” It is in fact a straightforward first information pack for staff who are looking to make progress in this own classroom environment.
The booklet covers such topics as “The Conflict Cycle”, aggressive signs and signals, ways of managing anger, the “solid relationship”, the “CALM” technique, body language etc etc.
Behaviour Management: What do I do now? is published as a download so that you can receive immediately a copy onto your computer which you can print out for colleagues as often as you want. You can also put it on your school learning platform so all staff can access the document – and indeed you can make it part of the induction documentation for new members of staff.
You can obtain Behaviour Management: What do I do Now? by going to
The price is £10 plus VAT (the VAT can be reclaimed in most cases by the school).
Behaviour Management is published by First and Best in Education, part of the Hamilton House group. If you have any enquiries you can call 01536 399 011, or email or write to us at First and Best, Hamilton House, Earlstrees Ct., Earlstrees Rd., Corby, Northants NN17 4HH.
The full range of First and Best books can be seen at