Understanding Dyscalculia: An Introduction for Schools

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty – an unexpected inability to handle one or more aspects of maths as a result of a genetic malfunction.

It is related to, but separate from, dyslexia. About half the people who suffer from dyslexia also suffer from dyscalculia, but it should be noted that around a quarter of the dyslexia sufferers have the average ability in maths that would be expected for their age, while a quarter perform at an above average level in maths.

Understanding Dyscalculia: An Introduction for Schools examines the five main causes of dyscalculia and sets out the methods of working available which can help pupils overcome their dyscalculic problems.

Most importantly, the volume explains why pupils and students with dyscalculia rarely make much progress in remedial classes in which maths is taught in the same way as in mainstream classes, but at a slower rate.

As the book shows, dyscalculic students need a totally different approach if they are to progress in maths – using mutli-sensory teaching and learning. It also includes a sample policy document on dyscalculia.

The book also contains short sections which can be copied to give out to other members of staff in school, to worried parents, and to governors, so that everyone can share in the awareness of what dyscalculia is, and how it can be tackled.

“Dyscalculia in Schools” can also be placed on the school’s learning platform for ease of access.

Above all the book shows that once we understand and accept the causes of dyscalculia we can adopt appropriate methods of teaching to overcome the problem. Research suggests that most children who gain appropriate help in school can overcome their dyscalculic difficulties and achieve an acceptable grade at GCSE, thus allowing entry into further and higher education.

There is a sample chapter available on-line at http://pdf.firstandbest.co.uk/dyscalculia/T1628.pdf

Cat No: 978 1 86083 614 5; Publisher reference no: T1628emn


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