History Summer Schools 2019

The Debate Chamber Summer Schools offer students age 11-18 the opportunity to find out more about some fascinating subjects, prepare for university applications, meet like-minded peers and get to grips with some tough intellectual challenges.

The material will be challenging (about the level of difficulty one might expect in the first year at university), but the atmosphere will be relaxed, with plenty of discussion, debate, and opportunities for students to shape the direction of classes. It is an environment conducive to getting to grips with new ideas.

Working in small groups (usually around 14 students per group) over several days offers participants a real chance to get to know tutors and fellow students and to explore the topics or questions that particularly interest them.

Highlights of Summer 2019 for students (aged 15-18) interested in History:

The History Summer School is an intensive five-day course which looks at historiographical questions and historical methods, using seminars, lectures, activities and informal discussions. Topics are selected to challenge and broaden the historical outlook of participants, and give a taste of what the subject is like at undergraduate level.

See more details of the History Summer School here.

The Classical Civilisations Summer School looks at the ancient worlds of Greek and Rome from a range of perspectives, including politics, international relations, literature and philosophy. On this course we try to convey both the radical strangeness of the classical world, and to look at the legacy in modern times of ancient thinkers, ideas and institutions.

See more information about the Classical Civilisations Summer School here.

In addition to the those highlighted above, we also have Summer Schools in International Relations, Politics, Economics, Philosophy, English Literature, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Maths and Physics.

Practical Details:

All the Summer School events will be held at University of London venues in Bloomsbury, Central London, and will take place in July and August 2019. Please note that these courses are not residential, and accommodation must be arranged independently if required.

You can find full details of schedules, dates, costs, student reviews and tutors at www.debatechamber.com/summerschools/.

There is a limited amount of bursary funding available for students who would otherwise have financial difficulty in attending – please see our website for details.

To book a place please visit www.debatechamber.com/summerschools/, call us on 0800 810 1058, or email info@debatechamber.com. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


What is the single biggest problem that comes from the need to deliver a new assembly every day? 

During the course of their primary school lives most children will take part in over 1000 assemblies.

Which provides a significant challenge.  How can one ensure that each day’s assembly has an immediate impact on each child, and then additionally ensure that some of these assemblies have such an impact that they will be remembered for months (and sometimes even years) to come?

This is the issue that schools face every day through the school year, and it is the issue we looked to solve when we created Assembly Box.

The aim has been to create a series of 350 outstanding assemblies that really engage the pupils and which they will remember over time.

Each assembly is fully scripted and the collection comes with a complete index so that you can choose your assembly by topics as diverse as community and citizenship, saints’ days, black history, social and emotional stories and so on.

What’s more each assembly comes with its own supporting presentation material, and a set of ready-to-use key word cards.   The assemblies can be downloaded and printed out, thus making them immediately usable without further preparation.

You can see a complete list of the 12 main categories our assemblies are divided into here on our website, and from there you can go into each categories and see  the details of all the assemblies on offer.  Just visit http://www.assemblybox.co.uk/

You can also read a full example of one of our assemblies by following this link

The complete set of all of our assemblies costs £149 (+ VAT).  Order on line at www.assemblybox.co.uk

If you have any questions please email enquiries@assemblybox.co.uk

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