2018 Low cost Play Therapy Placement Scheme

If you your school is not already employing a registered Play Therapist, you could use the Play Therapy UK placement scheme provided by our accredited training providers APAC in collaboration with Leeds Beckett University.

This year there will be about 300 trainees from all over the UK looking for placements to work therapeutically with primary school pupils who have emotional, behaviour and mental health issues.

They will be clinically supervised in providing 100 hours of sessions (typically seeing 8 pupils throughout the year).

All you have to provide is a safe, confidential play room and a budget of about £300 for equipment and materials. ie a cost to the school of roughly £3 per session.

In addition, the placements will conduct parent interviews, assessments, measure outcomes for the children and also for your objectives – how you want therapy to benefit your school and provide regular progress reports.

See: http://www.playtherapy.org.uk/CareersInPlayTherapy/TrainingPlacements/Placements

First come, first served.  Last year our Autumn cohorts were fully placed by the end of October.

More information:  mokijep@majemail.com to fix a time for a chat.

