Scroll down to get your FREE pdf download of  ‘Ideas to get your pupils forming Simple Sentences’  from the popular resource, ‘Daily Sentence Structures’ 

Children typically know exactly what they want to do and say at any given time, which can be very time-efficient when it comes to creative writing. Yet some pupils lack the confidence to apply their creativity in a way which responds to the demands of the English programmes of studies. Which is why we have produced Daily Sentence Structures.

The Daily Sentence Structures approach raises attainment in writing across all abilities and covers many of the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, including: grammatical structures, creating effect, using commas to mark phrases and clauses, sustaining and developing ideas logically, varying sentence structures, and using semi-colons and dashes.

The exercises have been broken down into 15-minute sessions making them ideal for use at the start of the day before lessons commence, at the beginning of a lesson as a warm-up activity, or at the end of a lesson in the rare occasion that you have 15 minutes to spare.

For more information or to order Daily Sentence Structures for £18.50 as a printed book, £12.99 as an e-book, or both for a discounted price of £22.40, visit

Alternatively, you can place an order:

  • over the phone on 01449 766629
  • by email to
  • by fax on 01449 767122
  • or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND

Click here to get your free pdf download of  ‘Ideas to get your pupils forming Simple Sentences’