FREE SITE SURVEY to see if your school is overpaying for the upkeep of its CCTV system

90% of secondary schools have a CCTV system, yet a high proportion of schools are paying £7K+ a year on the support and maintenance of an analogue CCTV system or CCTV using an early IP type system, when they needn’t have to.

Which is why, if you believe that your school might be overpaying for the support and maintenance of its current CCTV system, Gaia Security would love to undertake a FREE SITE SURVEY to a) confirm or deny your suspicion, and b) to see if a CCTV system upgrade would cost the same or less to maintain than what you are currently paying.

To discuss your current CCTV maintenance and support contract with a member of our team, and/or to book a FREE SITE SURVEY, please do get in touch by:

Alternatively, you can visit our website for more information.

If you’re wondering how an upgraded system could potentially cost the same or less than your current system, the answer is: due to advancements in technology. Indeed, due to advancements in technology, some CCTV system maintenance can be carried out remotely and CCTV hardware costs less now than it once did.