How can you encourage your pupils to adopt a positive attitude to learning Times Tables?

Mighty Fun Activities for Practising Times Tables is a three-book series which uses superheroes to motivate children to practise the skills needed to solve multiplication, division and word based times table problems.

And we all know that practice makes perfect!

Superheroes appeal to even the most reluctant of learners and will instil a positive and competitive attitude towards learning. Your pupils will be excited and motivated to want to learn and practise times tables.

These enjoyable worksheets will help children to:

  • recall and apply times tables rapidly
  • increase mathematical fluency
  • understand and use a variety of mathematical language
  • make connections between times tables
  • understand the relationship between multiplication and division
  • and develop mathematical reasoning.

The books contain reproducible sheets of practical and written activities, which are designed to be used as flexible teaching aids. Teachers can dip in and out of the book in any order to support the learning of any times table. The activities work equally well as stand alone 5 to 20 minute lesson reinforcements or as regular times table learning.

For more information or to order the three-book series for just £40, visit Mighty Fun Activities for Practising Times Tables.

If you need your maths lesson saved now you can buy ebook versions for instant access to your superheroes on the links below:

Book 1 – 2, 5 and 10 times tables (£11.99)

Book 2 – 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables (£11.99)

Book 3 – 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables (£11.99)

Alternatively, you can order

• by phone on 01449 766629

• by fax on 01449 768047

• by email to

• or by post to Brilliant Publications, Mendlesham Industrial Estate, Norwich Road, Mendlesham, Suffolk, IP14 5ND.