What is the most common response of schools to the requirement to have comprehensive data protection policies?

Occasionally the Information Commissioner’s Office becomes concerned about lapses in data protection within schools and issues a warning or even a fine.

And indeed for some time now schools have had to have data protection policies in place to ensure that no sensitive data goes astray. However, it seems no one has recently done a survey on what is going on – hence below is a very short questionnaire.

It will take absolutely no more than 3 minutes to complete, and probably less. We don’t ask for the school’s details or anything to identify the school, although if you wish to have a copy of our analysis of the results we’ll happily send that to you if you provide an email address at the end.

There are also details of a free report on data security in schools at the end of the questionnaire.

Please click here to complete the questionnaire.

Peter Barnfield