How to… acquire a brand-new school minibus for half the cost

A growing number of schools are finding that by sharing their minibus with a nearby school, they can halve the running costs of the minibus and thus reduce their expenditure on school trips and away games by a considerable amount.

Moreover, a growing number of schools are finding that by sharing a leased school minibus (meaning that there is no initial large payment required – just a monthly lease fee) as opposed to one which has been purchased outright, their costs are further reduced.

Better still, in leasing a school minibus with Benchmark, any repairs, servicing and the like are included in the arrangement and the costs are conveniently built into the lease.

If you haven’t leased a minibus or thought about sharing one, please do give me a call on 01753 859944 and I can talk you through how it all works.

But if you want to take a look at who we are and what we do before you call, you’ll find more information about leasing at