What is the most effective and cost efficient way of reaching headteachers and deputy heads?

Heads and deputy heads in schools are the most sought after of people, receiving more emails and postal material than anyone else.

Because of this, and because of their heavy workloads, they tend to be more reluctant to read advertisements directed towards them than many other teachers in the school.

And yet there are many products and services that really do need to be brought to their attention. So what is the solution?

The answer invariably is to use several different media across a period of time, such as email and websites that contain information of interest to heads and their deputies.

Thus we have set up three websites, plus a series of emails to heads and deputies.  Your products and services can be detailed in full on all the sites and in emails for just £195.

The three sites are  UK Education News which links to all the main education news stories of the day (with articles about interesting products or services appearing in between), the School Business, Management and Admin Week website, and the administration and management section of Exceptional Teaching.

Being on all three sites while having emails sent out ensures that even the most advertising-averse head or deputy will see the advert somewhere.

Companies involved as sponsors of School Business Week will have two emails (written by them) sent to either the head or deputy head or, if prefered, someone else in the school. Plus a page including a link to that company’s website plus a full listing on the School Business Week site.

Plus they get a listing in four emails we send out to schools to promote School Business Week.  There will also be at least four headline stories in the main news listing on UK Education News, each linking to the site and listing the sponsors, and additionally full coverage on UK Education News of both of your individual news pieces that are being sent by email.

Plus a full listing on the Exceptional Teaching website which is regularly promoted to schools by Hamilton House.

The only issue to note is that we do not accept any directly competing advertisers in this programme, and thus bookings are very much on a first come basis – we will accept bookings until mid-July but, of course, once a product area is taken we won’t be accepting a competitor’s advertisement.

If you would like your company to be associated with the School Business and Administration Week, and to have these email promotions plus listings on the Exceptional Teaching site and as news stories on UK Education News, please do call 01536 399 000 and ask for Jenny Burrows.

Or you can email Jenny at Jenny@hamilton-house.com or fax us on  01536 399 012.

Tony Attwood