What Makes a Good DNA Electrophoresis Tank for Educational Use in the School Lab?

From the moment we started to run biotechnology event programmes including DNA electrophoresis in schools, we were faced with a problem: what DNA Electrophoresis Tank would stand up to repeated school use week after week, year after year.

Obviously DNA tanks for school labs need to be robust enough to be used time and time again in school lab conditions.  They also need to be well supported by consumable DNA lab kits and prove to be cost-effective – both initially and in the long term.

Equally importantly, they have to be able to run DNA gels as quickly and accurately as possible – to fit in with lesson times – while giving you total control over the power supply and tank as required.

The quality of power fittings and the power supply used are important too, with as much power to be delivered as safely as possible in an easily controllable way to ensure the DNA gels run quickly but accurately.

The way in which gel trays fit into the tank is yet another factor – especially if there is the ability to place more than one in the tank at a time. And you’ll need a simple, robust housing system.

And finally the Gel-Trays need to be hard-wearing, with no leakage, and easy for students to use.

In taking our STEM and science events around schools we have found the best equipment is the Edvotek manufactured DNA Electrophoresis Tanks – and that is what we use in schools.  And now we are able to offer the complete range to schools at incredible prices.

Thus we use the tanks when we work in schools, and we now sell the equipment as well.  Which means we don’t have to do a sales pitch.  Instead we talk about how these tanks work in school environments and very effectively demonstrate their potential during an event.

If you would like to know more about our DNA Kits, please click here.

Alternatively, please do call us on 01603 520866 or email us at events@thinkersineducation.co.uk.

Matt Hackett