A school noticeboard is usually bought for one reason. But that is not all a noticeboard is good for.

A school noticeboard is usually bought to communicate messages to parents where previous methods of communication have been problematic, or failed. But that is not all a noticeboard is good for. Indeed, the noticeboard might just be the hub of your school.

It provides parents with a topic of conversation and school staff with what can loosely be described as a teamwork activity – something which became apparent to Greenbarnes following the analyses of the results of a questionnaire distributed to schools.


To summarise, a school notice board is not just the responsibility of one, but the responsibility of many, and it not only creates a sense of cohesion among staff, but also among parents at the school gates.

We have a range of styles of outdoor noticeboards which you can see on our website. Alternatively, please do call us on 01280 701093 and we’ll be pleased to discuss our boards, send you a brochure, and give any advice and guidance that you may require.