Understanding all there is to know about school procurement

School Procurement is significant in terms of expenditure and time.  The Certificate of School Procurement provides Business Manager/Executive Officers with the tools to ensure that procurement is carried out in a transparent way.

If you wish to::

  1. Gain control over procurement
  2. Have confidence in procurement
  3. Protect the school from high risk procurement
  4. Reduce reliance on supplier focused contracts

then this online training is for you.

The benefits are:

  1. Increased confidence in procurement
  2. Better understanding of leasing versus purchasing issues.
  3. Focus on school contract for suppliers.
  4. Managing contract performance

The 14 week online modular procurement course can be undertaken at your own pace and can be completed within six months. The training will give you a benchmark as to how school procurement is currently operating and provide a guide for improving.

More information can be found at http://www.admin.org.uk/CCMintro.html