What are the best ways to support children with special needs?

We know you’ve just returned from your holiday, but we also know that you’ll have had some thinking time

We’ve used the summer to think as well, so that when everyone returns to school in August, we’ll be ready and able to deliver the training and consultancy you really need.

Behaviour is always top of the list, whether its low level disruption or challenging and Autism is obviously something every teacher and learning support assistant should be familiar with.

But this year, we’ll also be focusing on areas such as Auditory Processing Difficulties, Working Memory, Attachment Disorder and Mental Health issues – we’ve brilliant trainers to cover these areas.

As you know its always best to have In House training where staff are all trained together and the programme is completely customised. Why not join with other local schools to share cost?

We also have lots of open courses all around the UK which you can check out on our website www.concept-training.co.uk. Book them now for the Early Bird Discount – you can gives us names nearer the time.

I hope you did manage to get a rest.

Kind Regards

Janet Price

Tel: 01524-832-828
Fax: 01524-832-852
web: www.concept-training.co.uk