Presenting Research in Art and Design GCSE

One of the problems with asking GCSE students to work on a case study is that it can well be the first time they have ever had to do this. Thus they are not only coming to terms with art as a subject, but also the issue of presenting research.

Diffiuclties can arise as students are called on to present work due to lack of confidence and a lack of the necessary skills for the successful completion of work.

To help overcome this problem Pam Bradshaw has produced Presenting Research: Art and Design GCSE.

It starts by examining what a case study is and how to research, structure and present a comprehensive and successful piece of work.

It goes on to work through four separate examples with workpacks on a painter (Van Gogh), a designer (Vivienne Westwood), an art discipline (African masks) and an art movement (Pop Art).

Each workpack contains sections on contextual studies, objective description and subjective response, with worksheets on the compilation and ordering of information and its presentation.

There is also a section on both solo and group oral presentations – an area which is often a source of extreme anxiety for students. This section includes tips and exercises on research, structuring and the presentation skills required.

Presenting Research: Art and Design GCSE
Publisher’s reference: T1598emn ISBN: 978 1 86083 637 4

Sample pages can be viewed on


  • Photocopiable report in a ring binder, £19.95 plus £3.95 delivery
  • CD with school-wide rights £19.95 plus £3.95 delivery
  • Both the Ring Binder and the CD £26.94 plus £3.95 delivery
  • Prices include VAT.

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