The Free Minibus Report: from licences to tachographs, from towing to safety inspections

Minibuses – like all vehicles on the road – are subject to licences, rules and regulations.

Some of these are fairly obvious – and you won’t be surprised to read that yes, you do need a licence before you can drive a minibus.

But there are often questions: such as “is a car licence ok?” And, of course, this being the world of regulation, the answer is, “that depends”. Not everyone with a car licence can drive a school minibus.

Then there is the “operating licence” which is different from the driving licence, and the question of the law on seatbelts. Plus all the extra issues that arise if you take the bus abroad.

And more, and more…

In a recent informal survey we discovered that a substantial number of people who were responsible for the running of a school minibus were not fully au fait with all the regulations and could potentially be committing an offence.

So we thought we would try and be of help by producing, “Operating a Minibus – your responsibilities” which is available free of charge.

Of course. some of the regulations cover situations which are fairly obscure – but then in the course of school life, the obscure can occasionally happen – and it is never a bad idea to be fully aware of what the regulations say.

So if you would like a free copy, all you have to do is send an email to and we will forward you the report. There is no charge and no obligation.

And there’s a further bonus. On reading the report, if you find that the key question you need answered is not there, you can write in and we’ll do all that we can to find the answer for you. We’ll also put that answer in the next copy of the report – so you will be helping many other colleagues in schools across the country by drawing attention to the issue.

If you have any enquiries please do call 01753 859 944.

If you are interested in leasing or buying a minibus we have further information on our website at

What is the one thing that many schools find is missing on open day for new parents?

You’ve got everything ready. The school is looking bright and lively. The displays have been updated. The choir and orchestra will put on a show…

But you still have to get parents to attend.

Of course, many will turn up because they know about what you do and are half-way to making their choice already. But for many others there is a question: which open days shall we attend?

And, when faced with this question, what such parents generally do is phone up for a copy of the school’s prospectus.

This can be fine if your prospectus fully represents the excitement and warmth that your open day will generate. But if the prospectus is itself a few years old and does not reflect exactly what the school is like now, you might well feel that it is not an adequate representation of what the school has become.

Such a situation is more common than one might think, and in such circumstances many schools often call us in to work with schools that have a tight deadline to create a new prospectus for launch at one of their open evenings.

In such circumstances we can remedy the situation very quickly, supplying all professional photography, direction, design of the prospectus and print for a special delivery in time for the school’s open evening.

From there we can take the prospectus to the next level and create an online prospectus, and also launch a new website.

From design for print through to multimedia and the web – all project managed, created, designed and delivered in a very short space of time.

If you would like to hear more about a school that has used our service to achieve these ends and see the results we achieved with them please do call us on 01902 784 800.

Alternatively, there is more information on the services we provide at

Understanding Dyscalculia: An Introduction for Schools

(Formerly named Dyscalculia in Schools)

An article in the Times on 27 May quoted the statistics that last year 43% of pupils failed to achieve grade A to C in maths GCSE and that adults with low numeracy are twice as likely to be unemployed and accounted for two thirds of the prison population.

And yet educational specialists believe that dyscalculia, struggling with numbers, is a specific learning difficulty – an unexpected inability to handle one or more aspects of maths. It has for many years been overshadowed by dyslexia, and yet the inability to handle basic mathematical issues can be just as big a problem for those who suffer from it, as is dyslexia.

Although some children with dyslexia also have great difficulties learning maths, this is not always the case. Research suggests that around 25% of dyslexic children are actually above average in their ability at maths. This suggests that there are different factors at work in dyscalculia from those causing or exacerbating cases of dyslexia.

Understanding Dyscalculia: An Introduction for Schools examines the five main causes of dyscalculia and sets out the methods of working available which can help pupils overcome their dyscalculic problems. The book contains short sections which can be photocopied to give out to other members of staff in school, to worried parents, and to governors, so that everyone can share in the awareness of what dyscalculia is, and how it can be tackled.

Above all the book shows that once we understand and accept the causes of dyscalculia we can adopt appropriate methods of teaching to overcome the problem. Research suggests that most children who gain appropriate help in school can overcome their dyscalculic difficulties and achieve an acceptable grade at GCSE, thus allowing entry into further and higher education.

There is a sample chapter available on-line at

Cat No: 978 1 86083 614 5; Publisher reference no: T1628emn


  • Photocopiable report in a ring binder, £24.95. plus £3.95 delivery
  • CD with school-wide rights: £24.95 plus £3.95 delivery
  • Both the Ring Binder and the CD £31.94 plus £3.95 delivery
  • Prices include VAT.

You can purchase the book…