Modern Foreign Languages Information and Services

A language lab at a fraction of the normal cost
Keylink Computers Ltd, 2 Woodway House, Common Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2ES


Our Virtual Language Lab allows you set up a language lab without buying new hardware and lots of expensive equipment.

It runs on your PC network using the multimedia facilities to provide a sophisticated learning environment which both the students and yourself can control.

Suitable for all key stages, our VLL is supplied with teaching material ranging from KS2 to A level in French, German and Spanish. VLL includes full student monitoring with remote control and intercom facilities making it ideal for classroom use.

For a free demo or more information go to our website – and click on Virtual Landing Lab on the left hand side or email us for a free disk.

Three Minutes, Please!
Viewtech Educational Media, 7-8 Falcons Gate, Dean Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5NH

01454 858055
01454 858056

More DVD resources from the producers of our best-ever-selling series of DVD resources for Language education, Trois Minutes, S’il Vous Plaît! / Drei Minuten, Bitte! / Tres Minutos, Por Favor! Preview video clips online and quote promotional discount code: HHM210 at the checkout for a 10% discount!

Boardworks – free resources, lesson plans & teaching tips
Boardworks, Units 5–7 The Gallery, 54 Marston Street, Oxford, OX4 1LF

Phone: 0845 0 300 400
Fax: 0845 0 300 200

Boardworks MFL blogs contain free resources, lesson plans and teaching tips for KS3 and KS4 teachers. Follow the weblinks to download the resources free of charge or follow us on Twitter @BoardworksLtd