The most cost-effective way of reviewing and helping young people who might have dyslexia

Traditionally tests for dyslexia have been conducted by educational psychologists at a one-to-one meeting, and there’s no doubt that such an approach can give a detailed and insightful view of a young person’s issues with the written language.

However the approach can be expensive and of itself doesn’t always provide an immediate indication of what one should do next to help the individual in question.

With this problem in mind, the Dyslexia Centre has produced an on-line test which can be taken by pupils and students from the age of 8 upwards and which gives a clear idea if the individual might be dyslexic, and if so, what specific help and support should be given to the individual.

If you enter a pupil or student for the test you will receive a detailed written report on the individual’s understanding of the written language and a set of resources that can be used immediately with the individual.

Full details of the on-line test are available on The cost of a test is £49.95, including the full report and the resources that are considered relevant for the person taking the test.

The reports are written by educationalists with many years of experience in dyslexia, and our reports are widely used by schools to help judge whether students and pupils should have extra time in examinations.

You can pay on-line with a credit card, or if you wish, you can use a school order number. Details of how to make a payment in this way are given on the site.

If you have any enquiries please call the Centre on 01536 399 011 or email me at

Samantha Bates

Senior Administrator, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Centre